DL Link:
This beatmap set was updated by the mapper after a nomination. Please ensure to re-check the beatmaps for new issues. If you are the mapper, please comment in this thread on what you changed.
Audio = Good (192kbps 19,1KHz)
Video = Good (1280x720)
BG = Good (1920x1200)
OD/HP = Fine (7,5/7,5) because this had so many LN and low BPM, how about buff to 8/8?
Folder = No unused files
Artist = YOASOBI
Romanized Artist = YOASOBI
Title = ラブレター
Romanized Title = Love Letter
Metadata Source = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mnta9Pp2LqA
Current Tag = orchestra japanese pop jpop rabureta ayase ikura famoss tokyo fm sunday's post letter song project the book 2 female vocals 幾田りら あやせ Rira Ikuta
Tag should/could be add and reason = 郷間幹男 Mikio Gohma Goma (Brass Arrangements)
梅田隆司 Takashi Umeda (Conductor)
大阪桐蔭高等学校 吹奏楽部 toinbb Osaka Toin Senior High School Symphonic Brass Band Club (Brass Band)
Sony Music Entertainment Japan (Distributor)
New Tag = orchestra japanese pop jpop rabureta ayase ikura famoss tokyo fm sunday's post letter song project the book 2 female vocals 幾田りら あやせ Rira Ikuta 郷間幹男 Mikio Gohma Goma 梅田隆司 Takashi Umeda 大阪桐蔭高等学校 吹奏楽部 toinbb Osaka Toin Senior High School Symphonic Brass Band Club Sony Music Entertainment Japan
u change the new background , but it's out of the Ranking Criteria , and here's the rule for background :
The following are requirements for background images:
Minimum width: 160px
Minimum height: 120px
Maximum width: 2560px
Maximum height: 1440px
Maximum file size: 2.5MB
the RankingCriteria link : https://osu.ppy.sh/wiki/Ranking_Criteria#video-and-background
and ur new background is 2559 x 2563 out of the range
so here is the img is fine for the rule (cut ver): https://imgur.com/VM0RSSg
or u can use the original one , also fine for the rule too : https://imgur.com/TO2JFyN
Woop woop, Metadata check time.
For the most part everything is proper! There are no outright unrankable issues. Besides just a tiny more important thing, everything seems to be in order. So let's get to the suggested tags.
Additional tags:
jpop female vocals 幾田りら Aakki Rira Ikuta
jpop -> Another very common way to reduce "Japanese Pop". Non redundant with "j-pop"
female vocals -> Misc categorization tags
幾田りら, Rira Ikuta -> Rira's full name. Part of YOASOBI's duo
あやせ-> Ayase's Unicode name.
Metadata Sources:
Background Source:
The description of the map seems to be lacking the source of the Background Image (And video). The original MV should probably be credited, which can be found in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mnta9Pp2LqA
It really is that simple. That's it. As said, everything is A-Ok, and only the background source would be the biggest of issues (Which isn't even a "rule" to begin with whatsoever so again, all clear!).
When I thought about it, the overall difficulty seems to be one level lower, NM for EZ , HD for NM , INSANE HD , I think
yeah, but are they still follow the ranking criteria if i lower the difficulty? cause when i made them, i follow the rules for nm, hd, and insane even they became easier than i thought when i finished