00:03:055 (3,1,2) - this grouping is backwards because the strong guitar is on the downbeat, not the note before it
i recommend you switch the nc's and pattern this closer to 00:03:566 - 00:03:055 (3) - to help solve this
00:05:612 (2,3,4) - lets add some jumps the same way you've done it for the guitar earlier?
https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/17322808/3a36 poorly made example
00:10:385 (5) - would be an epic gamer moment if you stacked it with 00:09:703 (2) - i really feel like you could do something so that 00:10:385 (5,1) - is a bigger jump
01:39:021 (2,1) - i won't be highlighting anymore of these. if there's a reason for them - please let me know, if there's no reason just look for similar patterns across the map
i kinda want to make it anti-jump but fix everything except on this one 02:09:532 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1) - cause it's cute pattern and i love it
00:13:453 (2,3) - spacing seems oddly large compared to other jumps within this part, i'd suggest nerfing a bit :3
fix everything except 01:13:282 (1,1) - kinda take some reference from Frey's mapset when he using a big jump to emphasis
00:29:646 (1,1,1) - usually nc spam is used to indicate drastic changes in snapping/slider velocity so this can be misinterpreted. would probably just remove excess ncs
00:37:828 (1,1,1,1) - same here, we can try something like suggested by me under that post, where you do a comboing like this https://wafer.s-ul.eu/5fWmU8ji
tbh, i dont really like using 1-2 combo for the sound like that. since he start using high note on the part where he sing "BUT I WANT", i remove every nc on 00:37:828 - and 01:35:100 (7) - here.
alright idk how to explain it in my language mind but i hope can understand.
for part where he is like rap(?), example 00:06:464 (1) - 01:03:737 (1) - smth similiar like that, should be active
for part where he is really singing with long hold melody(?), example 00:30:328 (7) - 01:27:941 (8) - smth similiar like that, should be passive
also, i already fix some unconsistent rhythm, should be fine right now
01:00:328 (3,4,5) - shouldn't the spacing be more even across this pattern? https://riffy.s-ul.eu/Tgs63Of2.png
01:03:225 (1,2,3) - what exactly is the reason to move (3) so far away. it doesn't seem to stand out in any way?
01:21:635 (2,3,4) - is the spacing change here intentional? looks like a triplet gone wrong because of how everything else is relatively linear in your patterns
01:46:862 (2,1,2) - Feels really weird as its your first time using this + I don't think it provides as much emphasis as you think due to the cursor not moving at all
00:49:419 (1,2,1,2) - Something like this would be cool
01:47:203 (2) - sdkjhfldsjfksdjkn change to other flow cause i hate seeing unperfect overlap ever its on editor bruh