I broke it
no we can't
Bob Kchero :v
okay but can bob fix the slider droplets thing?
can you fix my broken marriage
bruhhhh XD
hololive gen 1998.jpg
really do be
i like the old bob the builder better
Nah it's fucked mate
okay but can bob fix the fl mod?
okay but can bob fix the ez mod?
okay but can bob fix ctb sr & pp system?
when can fix ezdt
EZDT best reason to play ctb
EZDT PP more higher than HDDT LUL
WHAT HDDT higher than EZDTI think EZHDDT will be higher
thanks for the childhood memories
top diff keeps crashing my osu! client so it is literally broken
bob will fix it
bob's on univeral credit, he won't bloody fix it
Can they fix it?
bob cant fix it
bob is broken </3
yes and the beatmaps are broken :D
Can he fix it ?
what a nice guy
can we fix it? YES WE CAN!
ok bruh