On behalf of the Project Loved Metadata Team, congratulations on getting a Loved map! We'll go over Metadata and ensure it meets the bare minimum requirements. Don't be afraid to ask for the explanation of any Tag. We'll go over the most important info first.
File changes:
Website changes:
Current tags:
The only current qualm with the current tags are the commas which should be deleted, and "Hyper" should be considered to be deleted as to not bring this map as a false positive for anyone searching for any difficulty labeled as "Hyper", which is not an uncommon occurrence.
Additional tags:
English mwc21 mania world cup 2021 mwc 2021 Finals nightcore miraclen mir4clen NGHTMRE & and ZHU Man's First Inhibition feat. Kidd Keem saint punk remix
Metadata Sources:
Background Source:
Adding them to the description would be phenomenal.
Too high audio bitrate:
Average audio bitrate for "audio.mp3", 320 kbps, is too high. With a preexistent set ranked, we would simply suggest using the audio provided in said set, which can be found in https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/1541447#taiko/3247387 and would comply with the current limits.
Thank you for your time, and again, congratulations on getting a map Loved!