[7K] One Pioneer's Curiosity
Looking for Edge of GroundCamelliaFeatured Artist
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Tojita Sekai

Looking for Edge of Ground


醒めない正夢 止まないおとぎ話
産まれた大地は 粗悪な模倣品のように硬く

大切な誰かだって 塵になって空に舞う

星よ移らないで 離れないで この世界が本物だなんて信じないよ
真実は「正しい」から しおれる花のように いつしか終わりを
地平線を超えて 水平線のどこか 地面と海の端へ
終わりのない仮初めの世界なら 大地の閾はどこかにあると信じてる

定規で引いた道路 彷徨う
小狐の僕は 空を目指す

偽の月に照らされる 君さえ虚像でも

時よまだ君を壊さないで 愛したモノを喪わせないで 星へ願う
嘘で構わないさ 運命に離れ離れにされるくらいなら 絵本の上で夢を見る
紡がれたページなら どこかにほころんだ縫い跡があるんだ
(約束しょって 真実を知りに行こう)


ペンキの雨雲 紙屑寄せる海辺
編まれた大地に 約束探し 「土」を蹴る

星よ移らないで 離れないで この世界が本物だなんて信じないよ
真実は「正しい」から しおれる花のように いつしか終わりを
夢よ終わらないで 無限の道の先 辿り着く祈り込めて
永久なのなら 待っていて 数万年先かもしれないけど 思い出運んで帰るから
描かれ続ける星図 名前のない崖の上で僕は吠える
消えない残響 届くと願った
大地の閾にいつかは立つと 信じてる



A true dream that never wakes up
A fairytale that never reaches the end
The ground I was born was too hard like a crude counterfait
It was comfortable though

In the true world which always draws a perfect ring
Even someone beloved will turn to dust
Blown away in the wind

Stars, don't move, don't go
No believe this world is real
Like a withering flower, it cruelly ends eventually because truth is "flawless"
Beyond the horizon, somewhere in the vast ocean, there is the cliff of the earth and the sea
If this is a fake world without any end
Somewhere, there must be the edge of the ground
(Carrying a promise on my back)
(Trotting with my forelimb)

Wandering on roads like written with a ruler
I, a little fox, aim for the sky

Even if you are an vision lit by a false moon
I still remember looking at you with these plastic eyes

Time, don't decay it, don't force me to lose something I love
It's what I wish to the stars
I don't care if this is a fake, rather than the real world has the fate that will separates us
Rather dreaming in a picture book
Since it's a page of patchwork, there's an open seam somewhere
"It doesn't have to be correct", "It doesn't matter if this is someone's a miniature"
I've been looking for a proof of eternity
(Carrying a promise on my back, take a journey to find out the truth)
(With my true heart)

Under the morning sunlight that never melts snow

Rain clouds made of paint
Waves of wastepaper wash ashore
Looking for the promise marked on the woven ground
Kicking the "earth" to run

Stars, don't move, don't go
No believe this world is real
Like a withering flower, it cruelly ends eventually because truth is "flawless"
Dreams, don't end, wishing with a hope
I will reach the end of an infinitely long road
If this world is permanent, wait for me to come back
It might be tens of thousands of years from now
I'll bring my memories back

Under a celestial map that never have ends
On a cliff that never have name
I just howled
Hoping the neverending reverberation will reach to you
And I believe someday, I will stand on the edge of the ground

(Until the day I can be back to you to tell it)

BG source: https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/85970602




7K MCNC 2022 Semifinals Tiebreaker

check out here!
7K ETT 2022 Ro16 Tiebreaker
check out here!

2022 1.8 - added normal-hitnormal.wav
2022 2.20 - mp3 changed, plz redl



Hard LN hybrid

Thanks for modding!
Phukiir | AWMRone | gzdongsheng | -NoName- | _Stan | Muse Dash | Murumoo | [RT]Alleyne |

took about 10h to finish this beatmap
Thank Phukiir for making that awesome description above

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