01:55:785 (2) - this snap is wrong for the vocal representation and it's the only note that could be followed here, so please move these sliders from all diffs to 01:55:700 (blue tick)
i agree with jakku, starting the slider at the blue tick sounds a bit late, the best thing to do would be to set it to 1/6 imo 01:55:728 (2) -
5% volume gives no feedback which is really awkward to play
Haven't really checked each individual instance but would overall buff any 5% line to 15% (most quiet but still audible in most cases) unless it's like the end of a spinner or if there is no sound to cover with a hitsound
add tags to rain diff
also remove osu! from source and rather add it to tags since per RC: "osu! itself should never be used in the source field except in cases where the track was specifically created for osu! (also known as an osu! original), such as commissioned tournament tiebreaker tracks."
This song isn't specifically made for osu!, this can be checked on the FA listing page https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/artists/191
reference for what a made for osu! song looks like (scroll to bottom): https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/artists/2
while on the topic of tags, could also add following
ft. Liquicity Alchemy 1
ft. for searchability + some official sources have it uploaded with ft. in the title
Liquicity is the record company, sources mentioned above
Alchemy 1 since that's the album this track is featured on https://store.liquicity.com/product/alchemy-1-download/