00:01:226 (1,2,3) - I think you could do something similar to 01:23:512 (2,3,4) - and use reverse sliders to contrast the differences in the two sections of music
I used 0.9x for 00:17:297 (3,4,5) - 00:55:440 (3) -
1x is little bit dirty look on overlap imo.
00:27:369 (2,3,4) - how about use this rhythm https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/16974841/0513 feels a lot nice and represent accurately to the vocal
00:29:297 (1,2,3,1,2) - i think distance throughout this could be a bit clearer
what i mean is between 00:30:369 (1,2) - theres a long time between clicks but they look so close together and 00:29:297 (1,2,3,1) - snapping before this one doesnt make it easier to understand because you are kinda in a corner
00:50:726 (1,2) - these notes give sparse feeling though songs keeps the same intensity, try this to keep the similar rhythm between 00:49:012 and 00:50:726.https://puu.sh/IaNBU/3ddb5b42b2.png
00:54:583 (1,2) - although this section has a lot of drum sounds, I think simplifying the rhythm with 1/1 sliders would be better. It helps players transition into the intense rhythm of the kiai section, creating a contrast. otherwise, the whole diff has too many 1/2 sliders
bpm is 140 and rhythm choice is not too hard, so I think this spacing is fine for this normal.
Just in case, there is also this normal in recent ranked. https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/1580221#osu/3246840
00:57:797 (6,7,1,2) - would avoid how close these all are since you already are introducing spaced out patterns during the kiai so putting 1 right next to 7 may confuse new players as they could go to either 7 or 1 as they follow patterns directly
00:59:297 (1,2,3,4) - 01:13:012 (1,2,3) - what about highlighting these by using 3/4 slider? I think it's reasonable enough as slider ends work passively, and this Normal has some challenging aspects. Using 1/2 in a row felt a bit boring to the song.
01:16:440 (1,2,3) - you could try this rhythm. I think it's good because the music is winding down. Using sliders to express this section and letting circles emphasize the louder sounds could work well.
01:26:940 (1) - too undermap to me for ending part could replace this with two circles ,it would nice as well to make the last sound 01:27:154 - clickable cuz its strong/has finish
I buffed spacing at 01:26:511 (3,1) - for emphasis strong finish. but I want try emphasis with slider end. so rhythm is no change