mapped by [_-Kukkai-_]
This beatmap was ranked on 28 October 2021!
nominated by Rocma and Jemzuu
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shouldnt dis be dqd to add ur old name to tags btw?


if u look at the creator name it's still using his old one


no one search my name with [- -]


ya i wasn't sure either, seems fine to me then

Marked as resolved by momoyo

[X diffs]

01:33:663 - the instrument here is at 1/3s, i think it suits better to follow that than indistinct 1/4s and 1/8s, also provides a more gradual crescendo towards the next patterns


Oh i agree it better
i make 1/3 all my X diffs



Marked as resolved by Kukkai

Note density should follow a mostly 1/1 pattern. 1/2 and/or 1/3 patterns should be used sparingly.
as bpm is higher than 240, i recommend not using 1/2 for this difficulty.
ofc it will be obviously good to reduce 1/2 usage on NOVICE as well.
1/3 1/4s also good to remove like you simplified on 00:37:413 (2,3) -
00:40:226 (1,2,3) - 00:42:804 (1,2,3,4) -



Marked as resolved by Kukkai

02:00:382 - no need to map here please. there's only a weak remaining sound after 02:00:323 . except lacrima's diff, every diffs has been mapped or spinner ends there. should be removed or shorten.


fixed all diff

Marked as resolved by Kukkai

can I know where 'O' is from
imo it is supposed to be Ω
also I would add Phase 1 Electronic HE4VEN
the song is in Omege Dimension Phase 1
and the song is strongly related to he4ven like melody line or each song's beginning/ending is connected. also this song is follow-up song of he4ven


i take tag from std map
i change o > Ω and add Phase 1 Electronic HE4VEN

Marked as resolved by Kukkai

Hitsounds :

NOVICE & ADVANCED : Missing Whistle at 01:19:600 (5) - 01:20:303 (5) - 01:21:475 (5) - 01:22:178 (5) -

EXHAUST : Missing Clap at 01:36:592 (4) -
Missing Whistle at 01:19:600 (5) - 01:20:303 (5) - 01:21:475 (5) - 01:22:178 (5) -

MAXIMUM & HEAVENLY : Missing Whistle at 00:19:541 (4) - and 00:19:658 (6) -


fixed all

Marked as resolved by Kukkai

from 01:19:132 (1) - to 01:26:045 (6) - it would be cool if you add more movements for HEAVENLY & FINAL since MAXIMUM do the same as HEAVENLY/FINAL since it's supposed to be a harder difficulty, that would make sense to buff this whole part.


it clam part i will make it flow

Marked as resolved by Kukkai

A lot of spinners on the Overdose (and higher) diffs have unrankable spinner gaps

RC writes:
At least 125 ms must be left between circles/sliders and the end of spinners. This is to ensure readability.

This makes all 1/2 gaps unrankable as they are 118~ ms instead of the allowed 125 ms.

So you have to change 00:00:616 (1,1) - as this is currently unrankable.
For Lacrima's diff there some additional one 01:02:257 (1,1) - 01:25:226 (1,1) - and 01:52:882 (1,1) -


fixed all

Marked as resolved by Kukkai

Still not fixed, remember to check it.

Reopened by kfc nugget


Marked as resolved by Kukkai

I am not sure about the spinners at the beginning of the song. Cup doesn't have it. Other difficulties have it but some of them have different length which looks inconsistent somehow.

I'd rather remove the spinner from all difficulties completely or put the spinner from 00:00:382 - until 00:01:085 -


i remove spinner on cup-platter
i need spinner on rain-top diff caz no spinner it bad

Marked as resolved by Kukkai

(Need more opinions for this) i think the current spread between EXHAUST (rain) and (MAXIMUM) is really high but no only for stars, playing and testing it the maximum diff is really overhard than exhaust and this don't have a middle point between this two, i think this maps really needs another diff like other maximum but should be 5-5,2 i think and is currently fine but the current spread is not bad but need a middle point between that two diffs


i think no need more overdose I will nerf overdose diff

Marked as resolved by Kukkai

00:25:812 - (Platter)(Salad)(Cup) I see u skipped this pitch but is more high than 00:25:695 (1) - because is the current "tin" so for example in the cup u can move 00:25:695 (1) - to 00:25:812 (1) - because is the current high pitch in that part



Marked as resolved by Kukkai