mapped by Jason X
last updated
This beatmap wasn't updated since 4 March 2023 so it was graveyarded...
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Your spread has some serious issues.

Futsuu is way too easy due to the lack of 1/2 patterns. Not only does this make the gap between it and Kantan too small, but also makes the diff quite uninteresting. This gets extra bad on the kiais, which consists solely of 1/2 or slower snapping. This makes it too easy even compared to the earlier parts of the diff. The kiai part is the most intense part of the song, but the least intense in terms of mapping, so there is that discrepancy as well. Also kiai patterns are almost solely 1/2 ddkkdd or 1/1 dkdkdk type, making it really monotone / uninteresting to play.

Muzu doesn't use any 1/4 and is often times way too sparsely mapped compared to the Oni diff. The diff ends up being more like a Futsuu+.

Here are 2 examples:
00:35:955 -
01:11:055 -
In both of these, there is almost no difference between Kantan and Futsuu, Muzu is mapped more like a Futsuu diff would, and the density jump to Oni is just massive. You need to balance the spread if you want to make something rankable.

00:54:555 - you have spinner on Oni but slider on the rest. Spinner is easier than a slider. Either do it the other way around or make every diff the same

Also please don't use the soft sampleset for hitsounds, it suck in taiko.


Nichijo love!! :D


forgot to hype woops


