Sliders like 00:39:287 (2,3) - 00:29:572 (3,4,5,6) - 00:39:858 (4,5) - have higher spacing compared to kiai sliders like 00:52:715 (1,1,2,3) - 00:54:144 (1,2,3,4) - 00:57:572 (1,2,3) - etc. So i'd suggest spacing the sliderheads away even more to contrast spacing of 3/4 sliders outside kiai.
I would have to disagree with this, the sliders outside of the kiai are generally much shorter and so the distance between the slider ends and the slider heads are much shorter. Since they're both mapped in a similar way where the next slider is usually behind the first slider it just makes sense that the sliders in the kiai have a higher distance between each other. This is noticeable when playing where if you don't hold the kiai sliders down long enough you'll drop a 100 compared to the outside sliders where you don't have to put as much stress on yourself.
Slider leniency lessens the needed movement for objects like 00:53:001 (1,2) - so even if the lengths are higher but the sliderheads are near, there wouldn't be much difference in terms of movement
It seems you’ve played the map so I genuinely want to ask do you not feel any difference between the the kiai and non kiai sliders? Because personally I think the kiai sliders are already hard enough so if you don’t think there’s any difference I’ll look into what I can do with the non kiai ones
for me, what makes the kiai hard isn't necessarily the sliders but the rhythms like 01:01:715 (4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5) -, fast 1/2 jumps and the 1/4 bursts like 01:10:572 (3,4,5,6,7) -. So to answer,, there is a difference in movement, but not as much (due to slider leniency as mentioned); I think it's fine as it's more of a suggestion to challenge more movement for players with sliders, which you've mentioned you don't agree with needing.
Fair enough, I’ll see if there’s any second opinions on this or not. If not, then I’ll keep it.
00:28:430 (3,4) - changed these to 3/4 sliders. This is just my personal opinion but it feels as if the vocals on 00:30:715 - stands out from the rest of the section which is why I decided to go with a different rhythm
remove new combo for 02:12:430 (1,1) - since 02:12:430 (1) - is just a vocal note and 02:12:715 (1) - could instead be applied at the part the drums actually get loud which is
02:12:572 (2) -, so apply nc to 02:12:572 - . Same thing for 02:17:144 (4) - , nc this one instead of 02:17:287 (1) -
00:02:715 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - lower spacing here, bcs this is only beginning and also this part is focused on not really strong sounds
02:49:572 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6) - spacing in this part is inted. It is random in som parts. Example: 02:55:001 (5,6) - low spacing with no reason
Only 5 and 6 was differently spaced in that section and that was to fit some overlap but i redid those two, the rest are pretty equally spaced aside from that