mapped by arronchu1207
last updated
This beatmap wasn't updated since 14 September 2023 so it was graveyarded...
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there's a bit of a gap between the insane and this diff, mostly due to how the insane handles spacing (especially between 1/4 gaps like throughout 00:31:559 - this section, 01:41:348 (1,2,3) - 01:47:664 (3,1) - 01:53:664 - etc.)

i think some jumps throughout more intense parts (on intense beats, maybe like 01:35:664 - 01:47:980 - 01:53:664 - etc.) could be really good to make the spread gap a bit smaller, especially as the normal changes the spacing with sv changes.


i also personally wouldn't put any jumps on 00:31:401 - this part, since you still need higher spacing for the 3/4 gaps to be differentiated.


ya(new diff again)

Marked as resolved by enri

the rhythm in 00:41:664 - this part kinda confuses me, 00:44:822 (1,2,1,2) - you prioritise the wub sounds here but then ignore them at 00:42:769 (4,1) -, 00:53:032 (2) - this prioritises the kick over the synth while 00:58:085 (1,2,3,4) - 01:02:348 (1,2,1,2) - does the opposite etc.

while the actual rhythm in the song is really complex, you should probably choose to map one sound over the others for consistency, in examples above you can choose to either prioritize kicks or wub/synth sounds, right now everything is a bit inconsistent and messy in this specific section


if you need some rhythm suggestions, for example. 00:44:822 (1,2,1,2) - you could follow both the wub and kick sounds properly here ( by doing something like this) and actually make it consistent with 00:42:769 (4,1) -


made the sections consistent in my new difficulty

Marked as resolved by enri