the current mp3 is overencoded (checked by me and sadu) and should be replaced
u can grab a new one from ranked set (rmb to change offsets ^^)
DQ for replacing bloated audio: #4867076/12888179
Related spek (on discord cache, might unavaliavble soon):
excuse me what
[!] Missing "bighzonda" in tags because this RC says "Guest difficulty creators, storyboarders, skinners and hitsounders must be added to the tags of a beatmap." so, you have to add him.
Some tags suggestions. "synthv", "voiceroid" since that's where Maki's voicebank is originally from, "vocaloid" maybe cause inabakumori is known mostly for his works with Kaai Yuki and vocaloid is pretty much a common name for any vocal synthesized music
I advocate for "vocaloid" tag usage, since average person whose not very up to date with vocal synth software (most osu playerbase let's be real) most likely will use vocaloid tag to look for any song using vocal software. Yes, it's a generalization, but justified one. Cause at the end of the day, it would help many people to find your map, and isn't it the point of tags to some extend?