I'm going to keep it as it is, I used an idea to start some of the strongest sections on a slider end for a few reasons, the song does mostly prolonged sounds at the start of kiai so theres not many other options but to use 3/4 or 1/1 and this makes it more interesting, second is that the long slider going into a snare feels really fun and rewarding in the end, it's different and hits well
00:13:149 (3) - prefer making 00:13:299 a 1/4 slider (so the rhythm looks like https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/16481477/dda4 ) to stress the same instrument consistently with 00:10:899, 00:14:499 (1,5), etc.
00:28:449 (1,2,3,4) - I think here it would match the song really well if you slowly lowering spacing throughout these four notes like you did here 00:09:249 (1,2,3,4). I don't mean the same way, just slowly lowering the spacing might be a cool transition into the next section here imo.
Here 00:38:349 (1) - you could turn this 1/1 slider into a 3/4 and map the first note of the kiai actively as a circle stacked on 00:38:949 (1) - because mapping it passively gives almost no feedback to the players and feels better for song representation.
00:50:349 (1) - this is soooooo bad for the buildup, I think you should do something that shows the buildup of the vocals better b/c this is more like something you do when the pitch decreases
song representation and some other smart words etc. get hurt here
Leaving 00:50:649 passive doesn't quite fit progression of vocal cuz there's nothing very special here that deserves to be emphasized by leaving a sudden blank. I'd suggest rhythm like this https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/16481442/e402
00:52:974 (1) - try manual stack https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/16481453/f6fa to avoid the triplet's spacing being cluttered
also 01:19:149 (6,1,2) -
00:56:874 (3) - Because of the prominent (imo) rhythm that has a triplet here, I think it could be well incorporated here, as it would add on a rhythm intensity loss alongside a spacing change loss.
i feel like most of the standalone triples sound better at least in this diff with the first note of them being drum sample like those + 00:42:699 (3,4,5) - 00:58:899 (1,2,3) - etc
01:13:224 (4,5) - sounds much better to me to make rhythm this: https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/16481462/087f cuz vocal is on 01:13:299, and it would be better to starting clickable objects there rather than a blue tick