I personally would say that it really depends on your skill pool given how long you've played. I wouldn't worry too much about it, you'll crush the map at one point or another
well 5 stars are usually for 6 digits like myself, but star rating technically never matters since a reading heavy tech map can be 4.7 and a 6 digits couldnt fc
maniac diff Garbage. ar should be upped to 10 because its unreadable and the map patterns are not fun to play so it sucks. peppy please take this to graveyard it does not deserve ranked
English lyric translation 1-2-3 Party, party Good kids play in a big circle, Come gather Ladies & gents for the spinning Festival (Hey hey!), Kickin', kickin' jump according to the beat, Clap your hands, (Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!),
Woah, woah woah (La za za ta li la), Woah, woah woah (Ma ma ma mania), Woah, woah woah (La za za ta li la), Woah, woah woah (Ma ma ma mania),
Gimme More Bass! Bass! Gimme More Bass! Bass! Polkas step !!! (Někdo křičí*),
1-2-3 Party, party If you dance, then don't mind those stares, Polka Trigger happy Everyone = Naturally (Hey hey !!), Czech in Check-in', Hop on! With a body that won't stop, (Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!),
Come on, both boys and girls. Let's dance Trdelník** that fills up cheeks, In dance hall at the end of the trip Sneak in and come tonight ...
Woah, woah woah (La za za ta li la), Woah, woah woah (Ma ma ma mania), Woah, woah woah (La za za ta li la), Woah, woah woah (Ma ma ma mania),
Duyu Raiku KIKKU !? Gimme More Bass! Bass! Jump !!
Gimme More Bass! Bass! Knedlíky***?
(POLKAMANIA…). Translated base on Japanese lyric from wiki BEMANICN NOTE Polka is a dance originated from Bohemia/Czech Republic around 19. centuries, dancers moves in a circle to the music *In Czech it means someone (is) screaming/shouting **A sweet bread baked on open flame in Czech ***A side dish, a type of boiled dumplings in Czech Please comment if you find any mistakes. Thank you