mapped by RioAl
last updated
This beatmap wasn't updated since 8 January 2022 so it was graveyarded...
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01:47:096 - hs this



Marked as resolved by RioAl

great song




you have instances of the soft-hitwhistle on slider bodies which seem to be unintentional. there are more than just the ones timestamped below, but i cant tell if these are meant to be there or not:

00:53:981 (1) -
01:24:696 (2) -
01:54:896 (1) -
02:06:006 (2) -
02:25:606 (2) -
02:44:406 (1) -

if theyre meant to be there then id suggest making them more consistent, for example how you have them currently on these objects is fine 00:56:186 (1,1,1) - 01:57:096 (1,1,1) -


yes that's meant to be there. I used soft-whistle on slider body to emphasized the guitar held sound, seems not unusual right? Ikr.


idk what do you mean to be consistent, i'm already did that.

Marked as resolved by RioAl



Ok, i seen some part of the map, and i think you have to learn, let's say it is not the best or the worst, but it can be improved.

i want to talk about these kinds of "drums" additions like 00:06:002 - (slider end) 00:11:381 (1) - 00:14:581 (1) - , why why did you choose to use the drum and then the normal? i think that it doesn't have to be so weird.

I'm not a fan of the original HS of the game, but if you added some "soft-hitclap" "normal-hitnormal" (i say file WAV) they would sound much better.

i noted a lack of "Soft-hit finish", for a normal map there should at least be.

About what I said about the map, I'm not sure, so if you don't understand what I mean, write me in-game


Yeah i've quite understand what do you mean. Some other modder has basically pointed similar things on my other mapset which says "your hs is weird". For the answer........ idk. Its just the most appropriate hs choice in my opinion and i think its pretty common usage honestly.


For soft-hit finish, i feel i dont really needed it particulary on this song (but i used it on very few part). Basically on this map i replaced most of it's usage with drum - hit finish because its sounds much suitable in my opinion. Thanks for mentioned it, i noticed few inconsistency usage on my hs. Done fixing it


btw i've always using default hitsound on every map i had created and i'm already did many experiment on that. So i'm pretty sure on everything i did on this map


Knights of Sidonia


current bg looks really stretched i would suggest either getting a new bg or editing the photo if possible


the original bg was potrait at the first place and i changed the resolution into somewhat landscape that fit into my laptop screen resolution (1376x765). If i'm able to find another official bg that landscape, i'll changed it eventually

Marked as resolved by RioAl

pls do not keep this bg


