just for this 01:00:758 (1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1) (on the last diff) you getting the hype and the vote on labor of love
My personal entries' review:
-Mapping (10/10):
This is awesome stuff, i would like to see in this contest: different patterns and cool shapes, full spread. Rhythm choice is the best, making it the best you could even choose, not ignoring even a single important detail in the song. This is fun to play and do really like the aes. Mostly i love what you did
-Storyboarding (7/10):
Pretty much generic ideas, but at the same time interesting and complex effects which emphasize the music very goodly. Optimisation is a bit bad tbh, considering not too much stuff happening at the same time, but thats not a big deal to actually care about.
-Hitsounding (7/10):
Good hitsound managment and using pretty much fitting samples what i like tbh (some samples seem missing if im not wrong, would be nice to doublcheck, cause idk why u use default samples for this 02:22:463 (1,2) , but i could prob be wrong if this was intentional). The lack of sfx and keysounding hits a bit too
-The song remix (10/10):
Song is actually well made, i do love the soulful parts of it, which for sure touched my heart sometimes. The amount of little details amaze too, the person behind the remix seems talented.
-General (8.5/10):
02:42:405 (1) this is masterpiece omfg. Well i like the map, i can see this as the winner for sure. The amount of the effort you put into it is evidently seen, however stuff like hitsounds could be improved a little.