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00:01:120 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - 00:05:483 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - music is the same yet different rhythm and spacing, should be way more similar considering music is p much the same



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can you buff first half of 1/3 section (02:45:847 - ), like its very underwhelming how much of if you map with 1/3 sliders considering this is 8* map, like at least make spacing bigger or smth cuz its small as well comparing to previous sections


applies to the 2nd 1/3 section as well


buffed everything by 1.142* seems a good spacing

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06:55:664 - the 1/3 jumps between each grouping of 6 is way too big to be playable (and fun), even small jumps are cancerous as fuck if they're happening that often so you definitely should tone this down


remapped it fully and make it way less "hardcore"

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02:45:847 - i have no idea why you have made this as not as the 1/3s cause they are definitely being 1/3s, no need to make it that complex, its actually easily sbable. For the later part as well


i mean all of the other yomi yoris does that I'm not sure how I can fix this

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alright I was dumb it is fixed now


Hitsounds seem like missing cymbals sometimes (for example 00:09:847 -00:17:483). I'm pretty sure this was intentional, but man.. why?


not sure if i understand what u mean here there is cymbals for those sounds

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Here are some tips for your map:

  1. 00:10:051 Try to begin the stream as close as possible to that slider end.
  2. Stream combos at 00:11:960 and parts like that should contain at most 16 objects and not more than that.
  3. 00:40:938 I think this circle here is useless. No significant sound in that precise point can be represented, so I suggest you ereasing it.
  4. 00:51:165 Start a new combo here.
  5. 01:51:165 Bring it closer to the slider. I think it's too far.
  6. 03:12:028 Bring the spinner end here.
  7. From 03:35:210 to 03:35:892 I think this part should be smoother to follow to flow of the section.
  8. 03:51:027 What was the point of using this slider?
  9. From 04:13:118 to 04:17:346 I see you like jumps xD. No ok let's be serious, You should ease it a little bit. I personally believe it would be too tiring keeping it like that.
  10. 05:14:209 Ok, I know it's a 8-9* 220 BPM map, but I suggest you easing this part a bit (not too much though).

Keep in count that these are minor tips given only to improve the quality of it. No major changes are required.

Good luck for ranking ;).



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03:09:846 for the break here, you should make it so the break starts here: 03:12:028. you can do that by dragging the "break time" like a slider:

this isnt needed, but it would make it look a lot better.



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Remember to mute sliderends where needed


will do

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