mapped by Rei Hakurei
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Difficulty Spread Notes


  • 3.5/4/5/6/6.5, this closely resemble Deresute Timing Window which give 60ms on MS/RMS diff, 70ms on PR, and 80ms on DB/RG diff.

[Base SV]

  • 1.0/1.2/1.28/1.35/1.4, this closely resemble Deresute DEFAULT Speed Modifier, which uses 2/4/6/7/8 as scroll speed spread.

[Speed Control Ending]

  • PR/MS/RMS difficulty have speed control in the end of song, this greatly emphasize the color check for speed change, each difficulty have different speed rate to cater respective player level as well.

[Note Density]

  • DB/RG difficulty are intended to be beginner friendly who wants to play Taiko from start. In natural nature itself this song is one of welcoming song from Deresute with friendly spread.
  • PR, this may be a slight gap where people start understanding the rhythm so the density difference is a bit high with simple patterns.
  • MS, the small gap in here only to note that this Oni is meant to be rather friendly in general, however may not be a perfect being to exist.
  • RMS, all or nothing, people who have mastered Onis can try RMS/Ura diff for long stream practices.

I could try OD3.7 and OD6.3 on easiest/hardest difficulty respectively for this. But, hey that just some attempt, not for real.


Metadata Notes:

  • Character Type: Fictional
  • Character Name: Sakurai Momoka
  • Character Voice: Terui Haruka
  • Character Series: THE iDOLM@STER Cinderella Girls
  • Song Title: La Vie En Rose
    • capitalization may change.
  • Song Version Source: THE iDOLM@STER Cinderella Girls Starlight Stage

why are you using re:master, that is not the naming of imas, which uses master+ instead


yes, i'm aware and i have stuck with saying "RMS/Re:MASTER" since 2015 (the game release year)

Marked as resolved by Rei Hakurei

CU******Y 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭






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