cool song, cool map : perfect
This was fun
what a good song <3
00:51:652 - missing snare?
sounds like this could use around +6 offset? not 100% sure so some more opinions would be nice
already modded top diff with current offset, going to mod other diffs after this is resolved
ok +6 (offset 352) waiting for akito check
current offset with the +6 soudns good to me, although maybe a little later feels a bit more accurate (like another +5)
fixed offset357
don't really get the purpose of the custom skin you added it's pretty much just default with some more transparency?
;w; ok remove
mp3 bitrate is too high!
(fix this, then poke me for an actual mod)
sry i'm late changed mp3
background resolution is too high, maximum is 2560x1440
Really enjoyed your mapping, keep up the great work!
cant pass it fully bc i suck but its a great beatmap feels pretty smooth and song is op
yeaaaaaaaaa =w=b
( ¨̮ )