Hope I can rank one mapset one day. 20200828 ( Reached in 20210108 Hope I can rank one mapset that has more than 5 diffs. 20210108 ( Reached in 20240324 Hope I can express my feelings in my mapset or diffs. 20210108 意义不明 XD Enjoy this game. 20240308
Muziyami mp的时候遇到了,感觉作图也挺好玩的,于是想作图,mod很细心(hs的学习) DreaM117er 摸了第一张图,建议去读RC,讲了基本的作图概念 Beren 第一次思考整体布局和细化结构,怎么基本的区别和突出不同段(后面就可以说得上是手把手的教了) IWEJ help me a lot in detail and communicate with me continuously