00:08:277 (4) - I suggest to move this note into (287,48). Like n moving, not u moving. Since this note is at beginning part of Easy diff. I think following flow would be better rather than sudden peak moving.
Screenshot: https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/16016250/cd67
00:37:508 (1,2,3,4) - I think these multiple reverse sliders are too quick to react to for brand new players, i think that making them 2 non-reversing sliders each would be better
I don't think this would be too much trouble for them, I'll keep that in mind but when I was playing Easy diffs to have an idea to create one I saw a lot of these multiple reverse sliders and It was pretty easy to follow tho.
Ofc at my lvl it would be easy, but if there's another maps with that pattern and people were okay with those, imo it wouldn't be too much for them.
00:51:354 (2) - I think that moving removing the reverse here and just making it a one beat long curve would fit the melody better here as there isn't really a rythm in the song to support this rythm
01:18:533 (1,1) - There should be 4 beats between the end of a spinner and the next object. its a guideline not a rule though, but in this case I don't think it hurts anything to remove 01:22:123 (1)
01:26:738 (2) - I think changing this hit sound the snare drum hitsound that you used on the following notes would make this fit the drums in the song better