[4K] Nasty Spell
Blackmagik BlazingCamelliaFeatured Artist
mapped by Ventilo le vrai
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Tournamint 3 quarterfinals tiebreaker

!! Please download again if you downloaded before 2022/01/30 !!


Click here if you want to play the old additional diffs.

Thanks to FAMoss for the hitsounds and VorticalEx for the old guest difficulty.

Enjoy :p

BG Source

  1. before 2022 - Nothing because I wasn't logging the changes I made to the map
  2. 2022/01/30 - OMG revived !!! let's rank this shit
  3. 2022/02/27 - Nerfed normal and insane, few changes on top diff. Mods on Vortical's diff not applied yet
  4. 2022/03/01 - My mods on Vortical's diff have been applied
  5. 2022/03/19 - Changed the final jumptrill and 2 little bursts in top diff
  6. 2022/03/26 - Few corrections on Normal and Hard (applied PouletFurtif's mods) also added the hitsounds to vortical's diff because I forgot
  7. 2022/03/30 - Applied others Pouletfurtif's mods
  8. 2022/04/26 - Remove last jumptrill in top diff
  9. 2022/04/27 - Changed layering in Expert diff's kiai
  10. 2022/05/02 - Changed few patterns in Expert and top diff + changed a bit some chordjacks layoutsin top diff (less anchors now)
  11. 2022/05/18 - Applied Geo_ooo's mods + fixed a snap issue on almost every diff
  12. 2022/06/03 - Applied Leon Brigido's mods
  13. 2022/06/17 - IMPORTANT : deleted Vortical's GD
  14. 2022/07/09 - Buffed Expert a bit and nerfed nasty spell a bit
  15. 2022/07/12 - Remapped the 1st LN part in top diff
  16. 2022/09/10 - Remapped the kiai and some other parts in top diff
  17. 2022/10/07 - Few arrangements on hard and hyper, nothing crazy
  18. 2022/11/03 - Deleted normal diff because it was bad, now I'll work on the other diffs
  19. 2022/12/01 - Hard diff reworked
  20. 2022/12/24 - Few changes on top diff (buffed sr a bit 💀)
  21. 2023/19/01 - Removed all the diffs except the top diff. Heartbreaking change but I don't have the motivation to rank the full set
  22. 2023/21/01 - Reworked the end and the part around 1:20
  23. 2023/02/09 - Applied Rick's mods
  24. 2023/08/25 - Applied Rick's and Murumoo's mods
  25. 2023/08/27 - fixed metadata, removed hs diff
  26. 2023/08/28 - Applied Lott's mods and even more Rick's mods
  27. 2023/09/01 - Applied Monoseul's mods
  28. 2023/09/10 - Updated the tags as Xnery suggested

Thanks to the modders :
Dead diffs :
  1. forest137
  2. Cuma Iseng
  3. VorticalEx for his tips (and for the GD) <3
  4. me lol (I modded the GD)
  5. PouletFurtif
  6. Leon Brigido
Current set :
  1. Dubstek
  2. Paturages KoreaCez and Kizuna for feedbacks
  3. [Ping] for metadata and diffnames mod
  4. tippies
  5. Geo_ooo
  6. [GB]Rick
  7. Murumoo
  8. Xnery

Thanks for hyping (note to myself : never do a hypers list again) :
  1. Refios
  2. Flensey
  3. kimddokkang
  4. Pairoxd
  5. yukeslowwww
  6. Chat_Pitre
  7. KewaiiGames
  8. DarryllV
  9. Cuma Iseng
  10. WinterSnow
  11. Baguette2Pain
  12. Sietex
  13. OWazabi
  14. Bayu Ramadhani
  15. alivn
  16. Zerr
  17. Oowh
  18. TheCreep_
  19. Baklyong414
  20. -Zura
  21. KoreaCez
  22. Quarthmnatsu
  23. NeomiCryo
  24. geozeemage
  25. Schopfer
  26. Moo77777
  27. Quade
  28. Hings
  29. GABAP
  30. aust
  31. CakenoobFanBoy
  32. imnoturmom
  33. VorticalEx
  34. Dark_Boshy
  35. Jeersy
  36. tippies
  37. my waifu sofia
  38. Asiu (his name is deez)
  39. rxyzeno
  40. Raisky757
  41. LeeOsu
  42. x_yx
  43. ultimateunlucky
  44. UnleashOsu
  45. TheFunk
  46. hemoo1
  47. Auraah
  48. dendro_
  49. xBomb72
  50. [Mom] sack
  51. nootnoot6989
  52. DoomRogue
  53. Loudd
  54. Flade
  55. suppnoob
  56. [Mom] DC2
  57. tonderudesyo
  58. [Crz]Crysarlene
  59. rushbso
  60. BORAbacji
  61. [LS]Ham
  62. VictorKnight
  63. RX 6700 XT
  64. TheAngryNerd101
  65. Jizzy
  66. Libitts
  67. PouletFurtif
  68. zHyperLza
  69. kedaotau82
  70. C4P741N
  71. PulseScattleYT
  72. FoxFoxsic
  73. okthen
  74. TheBessNoob2
  75. MIXE_LOT
  76. ViSiOrCH
  77. b8arosu
  78. ItzScep
  79. Nabifan
  80. [BTB]yukaa
  81. Mr7Meh
  82. memelex123_2
  83. SoRaKee
  84. 2278560331
  85. MOUSEONLY123
  86. KoshiK-h
  87. jackyjacky607
  88. zaphkiel132
  89. Baad_Buddy
  90. osu_1728
  91. BribofLapis
  93. PlXIL
  94. Worthlessnut9
  95. Synka-
  96. MaxTheProto
  97. Mat0n_full789
  98. rifkytrishandy
  99. ImNotYume
  100. CammyPicky
  101. ItsBonnieNotBon
  102. LuiguiPRA-_-
  103. MesaVirep
  104. vitalerror1023
  106. Vectroal
  107. beansRyummy
  108. Norix83
  110. netzoid
  111. Res_ett
  112. Murumoo
  113. IlyWinter
  114. Kalica
  115. ReimBuch
  116. Rei_Insana300
  117. Valaent
  118. Burberry-
  119. nasucase
  120. -jatk-
  121. tatatat
  122. HK_TRjik
  123. Robeats
  124. Enderek_
  125. [ will ]
shit this list is so damn long

KoreaCez <3

Success Rate


Points of Failure

