it is unbelievable that this song doesn't already have a good, updated map. this man is doing God's work!
also one more thing to point out is that you kept using the same slider shapes throughout the song (which is fine)but i don't think i saw a straight slider here once, and there's a lot of room for variety here, you could look up some other interesting sliders shapes online for variety in your maps
the one thing that i noticed in all of the diff is if you ctrl+a on the diff, you could see that you didn't spread the notes evenly in the playfield and the corners left empty this created a problem which that makes your map feels cramped, for example in the kiai section you kept coming back to the middle after a jump even though you had many chances to fill the corners, you can still fix some of these and make sure to keep this in mind in your future maps :)
Quick reminder is that make sure you give kudosu/upvote to every mods given to you that are useful, cause mods take up effort and time to do, so giving kudosu is like a way to appreciate the modders :p(don't upvote on this one)
volume could be more varied instead 100% in the whole of the map for example use 60% for calm section and for intense section use hs volume around 80 - 90 % to