mapped by PokeSky
This beatmap was added to loved on 31 August 2022!
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i wonder is there any song that u think MUST add, and i didnt put it in. or any song u think dont worth. Still have chance to change it if i really miss it

sorry 7k player, i dont really play 7k, so there is not 7k diffs and most of the song are from 4k, dont hate me ;w;


tbh I'd like to see less time dedicated to galaxy collapse and more songs. Maybe Pluto -Tenderness, Acceleration, Ice - Entrance, Intersect Thunderbolt, maniera, doppelganger, haelequinz. Just some suggestions, obviously not all of them would be able to be included.


i will prob cut galaxy collapse. aaa some song suggestions are good, why i didnt though about them ;w;

I might need more opine about changing audio see if it worth. cuz it will bring so many stuff, like mapping, sb, hs etc ,


where's 7k I hate u ;w;


;w; gonna make osu!mania 7k memories


^w^ yay


BPM 155

  1. 00:02:059 - // PokeSky
    fripSide - only my railgun (TV Size) (BPM 143)
  2. 00:26:834 - // PokeSky
    Colorful Sounds Port - ETERNAL DRAIN (BPM 149)
  3. 00:39:221 - // PokeSky
    THE ORAL CIGARETTES - Kyouran Hey Kids!! (BPM 284)

BPM 185
4. 00:51:607 - // PokeSky
Utsu-P feat.Kagamine Rin - Tokyo Teddy Bear (BPM 200)
5. 01:12:363 - // PokeSky
Neru - Lost One no Goukoku (BPM 162)
6. 01:33:100 - // PokeSky
Ryu* Vs. Sota - Go Beyond!! (BPM 200)
S3RL feat Krystal - R4V3 B0Y (BPM 175)
7. 02:09:424 - // PokeSky
Camellia - Exit This Earth's Atomosphere (BPM 170)
8. 02:30:181 - // Dudehacker
S-C-U feat. Qrispy Joybox - anemone (BPM 200)
9. 02:40:559 - // CrumpetFiddler
ginkiha - Borealis (BPM 196)
10. 02:50:937 - // Fresh Chicken
xi - ANiMA (BPM 185.5)
11. 03:06:505 - // PokeSky
sakuzyo - Altale (BPM 90)
12. 03:23:370 - // PokeSky
LeaF - NANO DEATH!!!!! (BPM 170)
13. 03:46:072 - // Fresh Chicken
High Speed Music Team Sharpnel - M.A.M.A. (BPM 175)
14. 03:56:450 - // PokeSky
Seiryu - BLUE DRAGON (BPM 191)
15. 04:06:828 - // PokeSky
Seiryu - Water Horizon (BPM 191)
16. 04:17:207 - // PokeSky
Yuyoyuppe - AiAe (BPM 180)
17. 04:27:585 - // CrumpetFiddler
typeMARS - Triumph & Regret (BPM 175)
18. 04:48:342 - // FAMoss
t+pazolite - Electric "Sister" Bitch (BPM 185)
19. 05:11:693 - // PokeSky
t+pazolite - CENSORED!! (BPM 195)
20. 05:22:071 - // _Stan
BlackYooh vs. siromaru - BLACK or WHITE? (BPM 185)

BPM 240
21. 05:32:449 - // Syadow-
Lite Show Magic - Crack traxxxx (BPM 220)
22. 05:58:449 - // Fresh Chicken
Camellia as "Bang Riot" - Blastix Riotz (BPM 256)
23. 06:16:449 - // _Stan
Team Grimoire - C18H27NO3(extend) (BPM 210)
24. 06:32:449 - // Famoss
UNDEAD CORPORATION - The Empress scream off ver (BPM 270)

BPM 300-320
25. 07:03:449 - // PokeSky
Kurokotei - Galaxy Collapse (BPM 300-320)


consider to add the rate since some song put in there already sped up or slow down from the original speed


okk i will list the original BPM
