mapped by Maffe
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00:22:879 (1,1,1,1) - wats this, im pretty sure both piano and drums are supposed to be 1/3


fixed both!

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01:01:832 (1,1) - this spacing feels a lil harsh, esp going into the stream


yep im down with that fixed

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01:01:949 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - would consider spacing out 01:01:949 (1,2,3) - 01:02:298 (4,5,6) - 01:02:646 (7,8,9) - out more to keep with the crescendo effect that you have going with 01:02:995 (1,2,3) -


yea that makes sense but i did this specifically because the crescendo being so much in the background the music gives a feel of just "trucking along" or going on monotously with this part despite existing and then the crescendo goes to the forefront where it actually takes a hold of the mapping style. therefore im actually going to fix 01:04:391 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - this part because its not as accurate to the music and give nice playability if fixed

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01:20:670 (2) - timing wrong?


omg how to fix one note timing


01:25:205 (1) - i think the NC should be moved to 01:25:321 (2) - because there isn't any change in the song where the NC is now


theres a change

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01:53:228 (2,3) - would lower spacing between these to highlight the decrescendo in the music better


seems like a minor thing but i lowered a bit and it makes sense, fixed!

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02:21:135 (1,2,3) - would be neat to see this actually increase in spacing instead to contrast 02:19:739 (1,2,3,4) -


ohh youre actually right that makes sense thats cool, fixed!

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02:41:483 - yo this was nice actually




03:01:187 (1,2,3) - wondering why this "sayonara" is so much different from 02:58:615 (1,2,3) - ; would consider at least spacing 03:02:044 (2) - a bit more like 02:59:472 (2) -


makes sense, increased spacing on the first sayonara and matched it more with the second and made the angles more consistent, fixed!

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03:17:901 (1,2,3,1) - would decrease spacing between 2->3 and increase spacing between 3->1 to better emphasize the arpeggio


yea here i think both options are viable and i like mine a lot where its more with the pitch increasing in mind and the new combo is more mellow so the lower spacing feels good to separate the patterns

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04:08:043 (1,2) - this is kinda a miss. would just use a normal triple here.


i tried it and the rhythm doesnt feel as good but ill make it a triple because i found a cool position for it so it plays nice, also fixed 04:08:435 - because i found a mistake with rhythm

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04:08:435 (1,1,1) - lacking hitsounds tbh, feels real weird here cuz ur skipping the piano/drums for the vocals and its unhitsounded i guess applies to the previous double too, wud be better with them.


oo yea i added some hs fixed

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04:09:849 - really prominent of a beat to skip imo, doesn't feel too great.


im mapping the violins because theyre really on the forefront and the beat works as a nice complimentary sound, fixed some hs around these parts

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04:12:833 (1,2) - cud try smth like this
the movement feels more fitting for the fluid violin sounds, current pattern feels a little snappy


omg yes i tried to do this type of angle but i was too pepega to make it play well and look good but you gave me the answer, fixed!

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04:39:221 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1) - this feels. just so overdone in general, nothing change too much from the previous section but it just spikes hard asf here for some reason.


okay i downscaled it a bit but its still a bit of a climax type thing so i kept it rhythmically as dense but more straightforward patterns and lower spacing, fixed!

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05:18:049 (4) - nc wud be cool kinda


yeah definetly viable but i wanted to keep it this way so it feels like one pattern that keeps going on for that intense effect

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08:10:155 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - i'd find a way to distinguish between the 1-2s here since the pitchs is increasing; using same spacing for each 1-2 is a bit underwhelming imo. for example, doing the opposite of 08:12:272 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - would be neat


Absolutely true that would represent the music more accurately and give a great feeling, fixed!

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