As i remapped my top diff i'm gonna link my old diff here for those who want it, its also linked in the map's desc!
(also all the mods in the timeline and general (this diff) were about the old diff!!) (old Kagerou 6.1 stars)
metadata/video & mp3 source:
Artist: じん ft. 田口囁一(感傷ベクトル)
Romanised Artist: JIN ft. Shouichi Taguchi (Sentimental Vector)
Title: カゲロウデイズ
Romanised Title: Kagerou Days
Source: メカクシティアクターズ
Suggested tags: vocaloid Mekakucity Actors reload project カゲロウプロジェ 自然の敵P Shizen no Teki P Teki-P TekiP じん Blindfold daze カゲロウプロジェクトkagerou kansyo shoichi Vector japanese anime rosiie yumerios my_angel_ram
definitely feel like you can hs some more of your 1/4 rhythm especially in the lower diffs there seems to be a few places where 1/4 feedback is missing or you generally didnt hitsound the 1/4 drum rhythm
02:17:036 -
02:19:536 -
02:39:927 - ; 02:40:005 - ; 02:40:083 - ; 02:40:161 -
03:19:536 -
01:37:974 - etc would be cool if you could go over the diffs again and add the hitsounds appropriately
dude similar problem as on basen's set i literally cant hear the drum-hitfinish with normal volume settings please find another sample or increase volume on this
imma submit hs diff while modding process having all of these, also should be fine now on other diffs