The fact that 611851 has 10 times more plays but less than 2 times more favorites than TMT ver., all the while Hololive is arguably at the peak of its popularity, but TMT is still unranked while 611851 is (no offense to the latter), is honestly mind-boggling to me. This is one of the most hyped maps I've ever seen still in pending, so any chance of it ever getting ranked? It is really sad to see this map unnranked, and we all sincerely hope to see it ranked in the nearest future.
I love Towa, but let me be different.
Since the map is not your usual 4/4ths song, but a 6/8ths church swing one instead, it'd be a unique song to map...
...and how it was mapped was perfect. For me, how I mess up represent the "error". So yeah.