I noticed that your offset for the difficulty and the hitsound difficulty is different. Your Difficulty offset is 70 while the hitsound offset is 63. This will cause a inconsistent hitsound problem as stated here https://prnt.sc/1so5wlr. You might wanna fix the offset of one of the difficulties.
Metadata, that links could be use as to metadata references
Artist: NIVIRO
Title: The Return (Original Mix)
Tags: Eliza as vocal, english as language, electro house as genre
Summarized tags: "famoss artzone electronic edm dance music eliza english electro house"
forgot to mention this, but the background quality could be improved, unfortunately i dont have the skills to increase photo quality myself (usually if a background i chose has pretty bad quality, i just remove it and look for another one), some other people could help you improve the quality of the background right now, but finding another image to use can also be a viable solution
thanks for requesting to https://osu.ppy.sh/community/forums/topics/1075822
your request is done, you can take it here https://drive.google.com/file/d/1L6_HYAH7XOqHc5fiwDM260bZEyCUMfI-/view?usp=sharing
things you must to do after downloaded this: