00:04:133 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - 因为自动堆叠的视觉效果,你挑现在这个方向摆就不太好看,建议往堆叠方向的另一侧摆 https://puu.sh/GyYrd/c6bfb548c2.png
00:26:300 (3,4) - should probably have larger spacing than 00:25:966 (1,2) - for the rising pitch and the crash on 00:26:300 -
00:39:966 (1) - There is no big rhythm change here so I suggest to reduce the sv.
00:51:633 (1) - I would suggest stacking the head w/ 00:51:133 (2) - slidertail instead to represent the progression
01:09:966 (3,4,5,6,1) - and maybe etc.
not saying that jumps should strictly follow the song intensity but this could definitely use some more work in terms of spacing arrangement, in this case 01:10:133 (4,6) - are merely filler rhythm circles while percussion and vocal emphasis are laid on 01:09:966 (3,5,1) - in the song, but current pattern somehow failed to convey what the song offers imo
01:13:966 (5,6,7,1) - slider head of 1 could be in a visual flow lining up with 567 https://puu.sh/GyYSG/6120119bdd.png would help improve 01:14:133 (6,7,1) - flow as well imo
01:32:966 (4) - could be personal preference but kinda expecting some sv/slider shape changes as a more notable transition pattern
01:57:313 (1) - I'm not actually sure what this is supposed to be LOL. Is it supposed to represent like an orbit around her head? Or is it just a slider? You can try to make it clearer or explain what this is meant to be... it just doesn't look that good right now.
YES IT IS AN ORBIT, im so happy someone realize that LOL. Reference →https://puu.sh/GGGER/f8d67c342b.png
well it's kinda of ugly imo too, tried to make it looks more smooth.
I see, but most people will not see that because people don't play with background on. Instead, you can move the slider at 01:54:646 (1) to the middle of it to act as heer head and it'd be easier to understand
01:59:300 (2) - it feels kinda weird to use a reverse slider.
the reverse arrow covers nothing, and it's pretty off when u ignore both 01:59:466 - drum and 01:59:633 - vocal.
u can try to use http://osu.ppy.sh/ss/15462683/1389 .
it would cover the instrument well, and could be a nice bridge to the next section where u follow the drums well.
02:03:466 - it's better to follow the drum imo.
the instrument has a distinct variation here, especially compared with 02:00:800 -. so it feels kinda out of place to keep consistent rhythm.
also, the drum is a bridge to the next section where u follow the drums well.
u can try http://osu.ppy.sh/ss/15462695/0095.
02:19:646 (5,6) - Would nerf the distance from 5-6. 6 is just a kick and compared with the sound at 5 (snare), it should be weaker than it, but it currently isn't. So changing it maybe something like this: https://i.imgur.com/7NM6JwB.png
02:51:966 (2) - It could move a little far from 02:50:466 (1) - or ctrl j to blanket to look better imo
03:09:313 (3,1) - Would be better if you didn't have this be a perfect stack. The other times this rhythm came, like 01:03:979 (3,1) and 02:21:313 (3,1) you didn't do a perfect stack here. Not using a perfect stack would be better for consistency.