Wow mrekk, just wow.
Once again, to no surprise; you have created a work, most certainly to which us imbecilic peasants are afraid to tread before. A work, so magnificent, I just...I am in an absolute state of disbelief.
I cannot fully register what I have just experienced; the first diff of which I had the pleasure to experience, left me awestruck. Of course, I am talking about your COVID-19 diff:
From every twist and turn, to every anchored point on your slider; every single placement within it most certainly has its place, ever so amplifying the absolute masterpiece of which this diff is. I, for one, am most certain that within this diff, what you have shown, mrekk, most certainly portrays you as the new Probox of which we have been waiting, and dreaming for.
Although I do not possess the mentality, and IQ of which needed to comprehend the absolute art that of which your Vladimir Putin diff expresses, I most certainly pushed myself the hardest that I can recall in my life in order to simply register the effortful mapping that of which your Wide Walk diff possesses. I highly suspect that your mapping style comes from out of this timeline, and/or that of this parallel universe.
Once again within your Wide Walk difficulty, mrekk, you have flawlessly expressed your immaculate creativity. I would not be surprised if pishifat is crying in his sleep, most probably having non-consensual, intimate dreams with your mapping style.
mrekk, you have flawlessly broken the creative boundaries of which other mappers effortly strive to even come near. As a new mapper, I am left to take inspiration. I'm not sure how I can apply what I have learned from this mapset, as I believe it is only a gift that only a single person (you, mrekk uwu) can posess.
I have no other words to say.
Thank you mrekk. Thank you for giving us this gift.
Wow mrekk, just wow.
Once again, to no surprise; you have created a work, most certainly to which us imbecilic peasants are afraid to tread before. A work, so magnificent, I just...I am in an absolute state of disbelief.
I cannot fully register what I have just experienced; the first diff of which I had the pleasure to experience, left me awestruck. Of course, I am talking about your COVID-19 diff:
From every twist and turn, to every anchored point on your slider; every single placement within it most certainly has its place, ever so amplifying the absolute masterpiece of which this diff is. I, for one, am most certain that within this diff, what you have shown, mrekk, most certainly portrays you as the new Probox of which we have been waiting, and dreaming for.
Although I do not possess the mentality, and IQ of which needed to comprehend the absolute art that of which your Vladimir Putin diff expresses, I most certainly pushed myself the hardest that I can recall in my life in order to simply register the effortful mapping that of which your Wide Walk diff possesses. I highly suspect that your mapping style comes from out of this timeline, and/or that of this parallel universe.
Once again within your Wide Walk difficulty, mrekk, you have flawlessly expressed your immaculate creativity. I would not be surprised if pishifat is crying in his sleep, most probably having non-consensual, intimate dreams with your mapping style.
mrekk, you have flawlessly broken the creative boundaries of which other mappers effortly strive to even come near. As a new mapper, I am left to take inspiration. I'm not sure how I can apply what I have learned from this mapset, as I believe it is only a gift that only a single person (you, mrekk uwu) can posess.
I have no other words to say.
Thank you mrekk. Thank you for giving us this gift.
Wow mrekk, just wow.
Once again, to no surprise; you have created a work, most certainly to which us imbecilic peasants are afraid to tread before. A work, so magnificent, I just...I am in an absolute state of disbelief.
I cannot fully register what I have just experienced; the first diff of which I had the pleasure to experience, left me awestruck. Of course, I am talking about your COVID-19 diff:
From every twist and turn, to every anchored point on your slider; every single placement within it most certainly has its place, ever so amplifying the absolute masterpiece of which this diff is. I, for one, am most certain that within this diff, what you have shown, mrekk, most certainly portrays you as the new Probox of which we have been waiting, and dreaming for.
Although I do not possess the mentality, and IQ of which needed to comprehend the absolute art that of which your Vladimir Putin diff expresses, I most certainly pushed myself the hardest that I can recall in my life in order to simply register the effortful mapping that of which your Wide Walk diff possesses. I highly suspect that your mapping style comes from out of this timeline, and/or that of this parallel universe.
Once again within your Wide Walk difficulty, mrekk, you have flawlessly expressed your immaculate creativity. I would not be surprised if pishifat is crying in his sleep, most probably having non-consensual, intimate dreams with your mapping style.
mrekk, you have flawlessly broken the creative boundaries of which other mappers effortly strive to even come near. As a new mapper, I am left to take inspiration. I'm not sure how I can apply what I have learned from this mapset, as I believe it is only a gift that only a single person (you, mrekk uwu) can posess.
I have no other words to say.
Thank you mrekk. Thank you for giving us this gift.
Wow mrekk, just wow.
Once again, to no surprise; you have created a work, most certainly to which us imbecilic peasants are afraid to tread before. A work, so magnificent, I just...I am in an absolute state of disbelief.
I cannot fully register what I have just experienced; the first diff of which I had the pleasure to experience, left me awestruck. Of course, I am talking about your COVID-19 diff:
From every twist and turn, to every anchored point on your slider; every single placement within it most certainly has its place, ever so amplifying the absolute masterpiece of which this diff is. I, for one, am most certain that within this diff, what you have shown, mrekk, most certainly portrays you as the new Probox of which we have been waiting, and dreaming for.
Although I do not possess the mentality, and IQ of which needed to comprehend the absolute art that of which your Vladimir Putin diff expresses, I most certainly pushed myself the hardest that I can recall in my life in order to simply register the effortful mapping that of which your Wide Walk diff possesses. I highly suspect that your mapping style comes from out of this timeline, and/or that of this parallel universe.
Once again within your Wide Walk difficulty, mrekk, you have flawlessly expressed your immaculate creativity. I would not be surprised if pishifat is crying in his sleep, most probably having non-consensual, intimate dreams with your mapping style.
mrekk, you have flawlessly broken the creative boundaries of which other mappers effortly strive to even come near. As a new mapper, I am left to take inspiration. I'm not sure how I can apply what I have learned from this mapset, as I believe it is only a gift that only a single person (you, mrekk uwu) can posess.
I have no other words to say.
Thank you mrekk. Thank you for giving us this gift.
Wow mrekk, just wow.
Once again, to no surprise; you have created a work, most certainly to which us imbecilic peasants are afraid to tread before. A work, so magnificent, I just...I am in an absolute state of disbelief.
I cannot fully register what I have just experienced; the first diff of which I had the pleasure to experience, left me awestruck. Of course, I am talking about your COVID-19 diff:
From every twist and turn, to every anchored point on your slider; every single placement within it most certainly has its place, ever so amplifying the absolute masterpiece of which this diff is. I, for one, am most certain that within this diff, what you have shown, mrekk, most certainly portrays you as the new Probox of which we have been waiting, and dreaming for.
Although I do not possess the mentality, and IQ of which needed to comprehend the absolute art that of which your Vladimir Putin diff expresses, I most certainly pushed myself the hardest that I can recall in my life in order to simply register the effortful mapping that of which your Wide Walk diff possesses. I highly suspect that your mapping style comes from out of this timeline, and/or that of this parallel universe.
Once again within your Wide Walk difficulty, mrekk, you have flawlessly expressed your immaculate creativity. I would not be surprised if pishifat is crying in his sleep, most probably having non-consensual, intimate dreams with your mapping style.
mrekk, you have flawlessly broken the creative boundaries of which other mappers effortly strive to even come near. As a new mapper, I am left to take inspiration. I'm not sure how I can apply what I have learned from this mapset, as I believe it is only a gift that only a single person (you, mrekk uwu) can posess.
I have no other words to say.
Thank you mrekk. Thank you for giving us this gift.
Wow mrekk, just wow.
Once again, to no surprise; you have created a work, most certainly to which us imbecilic peasants are afraid to tread before. A work, so magnificent, I just...I am in an absolute state of disbelief.
I cannot fully register what I have just experienced; the first diff of which I had the pleasure to experience, left me awestruck. Of course, I am talking about your COVID-19 diff:
From every twist and turn, to every anchored point on your slider; every single placement within it most certainly has its place, ever so amplifying the absolute masterpiece of which this diff is. I, for one, am most certain that within this diff, what you have shown, mrekk, most certainly portrays you as the new Probox of which we have been waiting, and dreaming for.
Although I do not possess the mentality, and IQ of which needed to comprehend the absolute art that of which your Vladimir Putin diff expresses, I most certainly pushed myself the hardest that I can recall in my life in order to simply register the effortful mapping that of which your Wide Walk diff possesses. I highly suspect that your mapping style comes from out of this timeline, and/or that of this parallel universe.
Once again within your Wide Walk difficulty, mrekk, you have flawlessly expressed your immaculate creativity. I would not be surprised if pishifat is crying in his sleep, most probably having non-consensual, intimate dreams with your mapping style.
mrekk, you have flawlessly broken the creative boundaries of which other mappers effortly strive to even come near. As a new mapper, I am left to take inspiration. I'm not sure how I can apply what I have learned from this mapset, as I believe it is only a gift that only a single person (you, mrekk uwu) can posess.
I have no other words to say.
Thank you mrekk. Thank you for giving us this gift.
-sponny, reposted by me
Wow mrekk, just wow.
Once again, to no surprise; you have created a work, most certainly to which us imbecilic peasants are afraid to tread before. A work, so magnificent, I just...I am in an absolute state of disbelief.
I cannot fully register what I have just experienced; the first diff of which I had the pleasure to experience, left me awestruck. Of course, I am talking about your COVID-19 diff:
From every twist and turn, to every anchored point on your slider; every single placement within it most certainly has its place, ever so amplifying the absolute masterpiece of which this diff is. I, for one, am most certain that within this diff, what you have shown, mrekk, most certainly portrays you as the new Probox of which we have been waiting, and dreaming for.
Although I do not possess the mentality, and IQ of which needed to comprehend the absolute art that of which your Vladimir Putin diff expresses, I most certainly pushed myself the hardest that I can recall in my life in order to simply register the effortful mapping that of which your Wide Walk diff possesses. I highly suspect that your mapping style comes from out of this timeline, and/or that of this parallel universe.
Once again within your Wide Walk difficulty, mrekk, you have flawlessly expressed your immaculate creativity. I would not be surprised if pishifat is crying in his sleep, most probably having non-consensual, intimate dreams with your mapping style.
mrekk, you have flawlessly broken the creative boundaries of which other mappers effortly strive to even come near. As a new mapper, I am left to take inspiration. I'm not sure how I can apply what I have learned from this mapset, as I believe it is only a gift that only a single person (you, mrekk uwu) can posess.
I have no other words to say.
Thank you mrekk. Thank you for giving us this gift.