visually appealing but there are some apparent spacing issues, such as 00:06:578 (3,4). other spacing is fine but has no real adherence to the music, such as between 00:09:441 (5,1). also some stacking issues such as 00:13:734 (1,3)
it's clear you're new to mapping and this is a nice map for someone who has mapped for 7 days, correct me if I'm wrong, but there's work to be done across the board. a good start! and I love the song!!!!!
for 00:06:578 (3,4) - maybe the increase in intensity is a bit overboard, changed.
for 00:09:441 (5,1) you can see the little break in music so the spacing is meant to do so as well
have check for overlap issues and solve where possible
also thanks for the kind words and I have dab a little bit in mapping for a month so
There is no real difference between Hard and Topdiff. Beside spacing and CS you can add much more. The song has rhythms you simplify in both diffs. For Example: 00:22:080 (4,5,6) - mapping the drums here or just do something more like this 01:00:238 (5,6,7) - but like more in a repeating way