I think the title should be ''新作のしあわせはこちら!'' (exclamation mark is uppercase letters) but I don't have 100% confidence
Metadata is wrong
(source: https://gochiusa.com/cd/cupofchino.html)
In unicode title field, title should be "新作のしあわせはこちら!", '!' should be in full-width character. Minor difference from ranked metadata, but official should be a priority unless there's other official source with "!" in title instead.
artist field is following standardization incorrectly. Using space after full-width character like ':' like you did is redundant anyway, and standardization explicitly states to use "Character (CV: Voice Actor)" format. Unicode artist field thus should be "チノ (CV: 水瀬いのり)"
check hitsounds overall #1827487 pointed out a lot of them, but not all of them. there're really a lot of missing hitsounds, and on lower diffs many rhythms are not covered by hitsounds probably due to copied hitsounds. try to go over diffs and check it yourself as well.
also whistles are rarely used. It'd be nicer if you use it to represent things you mapped, for example vocals, than sticking to drum only hitsounding on many parts
please use proper volume control on the set. using 50% everywhere makes hitsound on calm part noisy, while some hitsounds are nearly inaudible in intense parts.
HP setup is unnecessarily low. Extras are using HP5, and Insane is using HP4.5, and that seems to forgiving. Using generic setup like HP6 on diffs would be good.
bg looks very suggestive, highly recommend to change, and get GMT's opinions/consensus if you want to keep it.
Set genre and language on website by hovering over it and editting it, you can and should do it before going through ranking process.
User "Haruko" doesn't exist on website and "Yumesaki" is unused account, can you check gder name tags?
Add "cup of chino" tag. It's a cd this song belongs to