mapped by volao
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00:19:233 (1,2,3,4,5) - Considering that Hards are just introducing 1/4 rhythms, the double @ 00:20:123 (3,4) might be a bit hard to read (as it starts on the blue tick, which is pretty unexpected)
HOWEVER, I think it's fine considering it's at the very start, so players can retry and learn the rhythm early on in the map.
HOWEVER, I'd suggest to stack 3 and 4, and to keep 1/4 rhythms generally very closely spaced in Hard diffs :)


00:25:335 (1,2,3) - You have big spacing here for these sounds, and then later on here (00:29:403 (1,2,3)) you have much much smaller spacing. Considering the sounds are pretty similar, I'd suggest to keep spacing similar


00:33:216 (4) - I'd avoid 1/8 in Hard difficulties because it can be hard to react to and play, especially considering 1/4 rhythms are completely unique to Hards (and above)


00:33:470 - no reason to break here in a hard diff here, and especially if you put a spinner here 00:41:606 (1) -


Works ok imo, break -> spinner isn't outlandish for ambient sounding section -> buildup


00:41:606 (1) - the spinner here doesn't reflect the buildup very well. The music is building up to a sort of climax here so that using a spinner is a anti climactic. it would be better to have some active mapping that gets more intense to reflect the buildup instead


I do agree that there are lots of better ways to build up (and I am personally very much anti-spinner at any time), but it's very commonplace and works ok for the build-up


00:49:742 (1) - most of the reverse arrows don't seem to be following anything in the music. doing something like or something like both starting at 00:49:742 - would better reflect the music


00:49:742 (1) - I'd personally trim this (and other similar sliders) to only 1 repeat []
Going from holding the slider to clicking again in the space of 1/4 will be hard for players at this level to do accurately, so it's best if you give a bit of time for players to let go and reclick. And (luckily) there is no sound at 00:50:123, so we can cut that last repeat out without unmapping the important sounds


Alternatively, you can turn the sliders into some active (clickable) 1/4 rhythms like this []


00:51:775 (3,4) - doesn't really match the music's intensity. it would be better to map some denser rhythm to reflect the increase in intensity


00:57:750 (1) - it's a bit unclear and inconsistent how you have this 1/4 slider here. having sliders end on a stronger sound than it started on is confusing since players expect the stronger sound to occur on the sliderhead. also it's a bit questionable having the 1/4 slider start on the blue tick as well.

on a separate note i would suggest you reflect this vocal here 00:58:004 - somehow considering how you reflect the vocals here 00:53:809 (1) - and here 00:55:843 (1) - . something like at 00:57:623 - would work


I agree: it's not a terrible idea to end sliders on stronger sounds, and it can work quite well.
However, you've been mapping vocals a lot, and not much drums, so when you go for the drums here it's pretty unexpected and comes off as weird and unpredictable.
I personally would advise for something like this [], 1/4 sliders with no repeats are often quite hard to follow (as the start and end so quickly) for players at this level.


00:59:911 (1) - no no, this slider looks bad


00:59:911 (1) - all of the long slider interrupts the game-play


00:59:911 (1) - slider that pass through distinct and important sounds often don't reflect the music that well. it would be better to have more active rhythm here instead. also you use long sliders on your normal diff so it would be better to change the hard diff to make it harder than the normal diff


01:08:047 (1) - same here


01:12:114 (1) - same here


01:03:979 - it would be better to continue following the 1/4 rhythm and by somehow having something here 01:04:106 -


01:04:742 (5) - unclear what instrument is being followed here. there's a lot of emphasis and rhythm changes so have a bunch of reverse arrows doesn't reflect the music that well


01:06:013 (1,1,1,1) - these NC (new combos) arent really necessary here. should just NC normally


01:06:521 (1) - remove nc here and 01:07:538 (1) - here


01:10:081 (1,2,3,4,5) - too hard to read


01:10:335 (2) - slider ends on a stronger sound than it started on. better would be to ctrl g the rhythm here 01:10:081 (1,2) -


same here 01:16:436 (2) - . ctrl g the rhythm here 01:16:436 (2) - would better reflect the music


01:16:182 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - I'd use the same rhythm as you did for 00:19:233 (1,2,3,4,5) to help players to read the 1/4 double. It can be really hard for players at this level to catch rhythms over 3/4 gaps, as they often look very similar to 1/2 gaps.
If you use the same rhythm/visuals each time, it makes it a lot easier for players to grasp (especially since you introduced it so early on)


01:19:233 (1) - overmapped, no sound here 01:19:614 -


01:19:233 (1,2) - unclear what instrument you are following here. kind of unnecessary. better would be map more 1/2 rhythm


01:19:742 (2) - overmapped, no sound here 01:19:869 -


01:20:250 (1) - remove spinner here


01:24:064 (1) - honestly the hi hat track here isnt that important i wouldn't even map the 1/4 rhythm here. this combined with how 01:24:064 (1) - doesn't reflect the important sound on the downbeat very well makes me think that you should do a different rhythm. i suggest at 01:24:064 -


The phrase actually starts @ 01:24:064, so even though it isn't the best emphasis to use a 1/4 reverse slider here, it works pretty well
Best emphasis would be something like a 1/4 triple:


01:26:098 (1,2) - sliders are 1/2 beat too early and start on the red tick. it would be better to ctrl g this rhythm here 01:26:098 (1,2,3) - so that the sliders start on the white ticks instead


01:34:742 (2,3) - same here . ctrl g the rhythm here 01:34:487 (1,2,3) -


01:29:275 (4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4) - you forgot something again, sliders, please put sliders here
