mapped by Cheri
This beatmap was ranked on 1 July 2020!
nominated by Smoke and Teky
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yo this preview point starts in the middle of his sentence, i find it to be really off putting to listen to and doubt it’s intentional. not the biggest issue but if this gets dq for something else please consider changing that D:


hmm i actually wanted it to be more near the drum starting since that is where the map starts out as tbh

i suppose i could change if it needs to be dq for something else maybe? but i much prefer the current prev


I agree that it sounds incredibly weird and would be better if it wasn’t like this


Damn about the way you touch me tho


as I just said, I had it like this since the map starts on the preview point and I think it sounds nicer with the drum

I may change if it gets dq for something else but I prefer the current state for the reasons I had said


agree with mayflower


^ +1


as i already have establish my reasons, I don't think I need to say further other than if there is more reasons to dq, maybe but otherwise I prefer the current


Really can we not start a thread on something subjective like a preview point. If mapper wants to keep then it's their choice. Let's just avoid starting unnecessary drama.


agree w/ smoke, this isnt something worth arguing about.


hey chill @twist @smoke i don’t think it’s become anything more than just people stating their opinions, i already said in the original post it’s not the biggest deal... nobody is even arguing XD

i think she’s said a good enough reason to keep it and i can’t really refute such a subjective thing saying “no bro it sounds bad just listen”, but yeah i still stand by my original post that it comes off as super awkward and sonically to me would sound so much better if it wasn’t cutting off half a sentence. if more ppl agree and it does get dq i’d suggest to change, but as long as you have a reason it’s alright. cuz i thought this was accidental or something at first


mama mia flashbacks


bro this aint even comparable to mama mia ...


obviously can't force you but I think multiple people saying the same thing is a good reason in this case


whether or not majority disagree with me here, it isn't the case of where it actually affect the map, so in this case I feel I have more of the right to keep my preference (within reason)

if this was something that is more detrimental then I will be more incline, but a preview point isn't harming here especially since I have a reason for it like this and not unintentional.

I also said I will maybe change if this gets dq for other things that is actually detrimental or something i would be interested to change, but until then I am keeping my preference and that is as simple as that


i was actually going to post on the thread because i figured the preview point being snapped here was a mistake, but since its your preference to have it here i dont see a need for you to change it, carry on!

(though like you said, if it gets dqed for other reasons id heavily suggest you set it back to around 00:00:589 -, thought id give my opinion regardless)
