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moton my goat
shit map
it isnt tho but ok
Finally FC farewell diff! it's took me so much time
dahcreeper your turn
dt pp record pog
DT pp record congrat moton
Motion what??
Motion God..
motion is normal
yoooo good shit motion
dt fc farewell diff soon
motion already did it
ok and it doesn't matter the goat was doing this shit in 2022
what can I tell you
title too real man
what happened to mbomb that made u replace the platter? /gen
there has been an uhhhh incident and no bn wanted to rank his diff
the title hits right in the feels man
so real
rain is overmapped imo,,,.
dude dont say that dude
dude that was when i couldnt play rains
why isnt this squarepusher
farewell diff is nice farewell experience
good job fcing that pog
finally fced after 249 tries...
congrats for your first 500pp!
Hi Phob
Hi RedcXca
why not the original?
I cut the song, because a 40 second break in the middle would be boring
Wait the original has a 40 sec break?
Bye phob
Bye sadegg
You're not going to get a second hi from me champ
bye phob
Hi and congrats half ph half ob
hi and thanks half rustyp half layzxd
hi phob
hi tocicitii
also what is the picture from?
should be https://wallpapercave.com/wp/wp2841410.jpg
The song name really hits ya hard
I wish I played CTB so I could enjoy this map
there is a fairly popular std version of this song https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/283927#osu/641787 you can also play the cup c: it should be easy enough for new players
Hi again, Phob.
Hi Reforms Expert
Hi Peptidasen
Hi PHob
Hi -MOmoX
Hi KagamineRin
hi crowley
hi half ph half ob
hi half rustyp half layzxd
finally, good breakcore for catch besides burn this moment
Phob hi
Hydreigon hi
Hi Phubbie Bubbie
i hate you
Hi had.
lolipusher as a featured artist when ?
really very good map
Hi Phob.
Hi bighzonda.
congrats phob and the rest!!!🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Thank you!! <3
Hi KevKjef
another hr meme map (:
even i can do that HDHR wdym bito
Laughs in snake eyes