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This map is actually so sick
heavily underrated wtf this was epic
блять это ахуенно
absolute banger of a storyboard, i want there to be more maps like this one
ok this is a masterpiece wtf
a masterpiece
that was sick asf
holy this is epic
i am completely sorry what the fuck?????????????????
this is really impressive wtf
whatlike it's a game in osu ?? holy what a masterpiece
best map i have ever played
Amazing map, god tier storyboard, and cute voice overs. Well done.
holy annoying ass voice
ебать оно разговаривает
i feel called
best map in the game
good map, but imagine ruining 8 minutes of clicking circles to good music with this much talking
it's actually so annyoing having someone keep talking over music that's playing like jesus. good job and all woth the sb map, whatever, took way too long and all but still
please stop talking i wanna click the circles
too much talking
the map's storyboard seems amazing. too bad i can't enjoy it because my pc lags at the first phase
goddamnnnn what a masterpiece
shut up
Whats the font used in the map background?
King's Gambit
Thank you!
this was made riiiiight before arcahv came out
this map is so fun
wth only 20k plays???!?!?! damn, deserves a lot more
How are mappers supposed to call their maps good after this?!?!?!
This is amazing!
this btch is annoying make it stop!! ty :3 btw owo map
hey no swearing in this christian game
I love what the community can create with this game
nice teleport to a 3020 year
how much did it take to create this map????? such a masterpiece!!!!
Me: check on GitHub
InfoPrograms used:Storybrew
We find the weapon
osu! needs more Feryquitous
smh mappers why am i failing i thought you would help me
remember that sometimes u suck so hard even we cant help u
that was fun
oh crap I just realized there's story after the map end I skipped it oh no
Reminded me of this https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/470977#osu/1006822