mapped by Volta
This beatmap was ranked on 13 June 2020!
nominated by Roger and kanpakyin
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[Volume] When volume jumps for more than 10% from a line to next line, you may consider move the next line 1/4 or 1/8 early to prevent low feedback when players hit early. In case of kiai, use additional line instead.


it's not very noticeable to me. i'd do it if there is a huge difference e.g. from 20% to 80%. i prefer to make the volume change as accurate as possible if it's only have 10~15% difference



Marked as resolved by Volta

How does moving it 1/8 early makes it inaccurate, still I remember there is one that have 20% gap I recommend to do that line at least.

Reopened by Roger

what do you mean, of course it's inacurrate because it's not spot on the beat. i also tested one that has 20% gap and it's still not very noticable to me. Even though there are players that more sensitive, i want them to know that they're not hitting the note accurate enough if they didn't experience the volume change.

Marked as resolved by Volta

Hitting a little early does not make the hit not accurate. That's why I don't agree with your reason.

But fair, 20% difference seems not that a huge deal maybe for you. Though you can still consider add green line 1/8 early with 10% difference makes your intented action still in effect while still prevent low feedback.


to be honest i hate to make things complicated in a simple mapset like this. the volume line is as straightforward as it gets and being nitpicky about it does too little to map quality. but since you're too persistent i'll move the one that has 20% difference 1/8 earlier just for you.


How does only moving or adding green line makes things complicated, it is in the end to improve gameplay. Volume does directly affect gameplay so of course I will be persistent with it. You can revert it back since I don't really care with it anymore. 20% gap is still in borderline that I can consider acceptable.




[Tags] You may consider adding following word to enhance search results.

  • "pop jpop j-pop" song's actual genre should be prioritized and anime would get its own box later on.
  • "ver" as official site states it instead of TV Size.
  • "うつろい utsuroi" as it is on the album's name, optional though.


Marked as resolved by Volta

offset 1140 sounds better on my side


sounds a bit too early for me. did 1143

Marked as resolved by Volta

call me back when you are ready


hype hype


ngang kan ( ranked kan )


Gaskeun ranked mamank


Hype this beatmap to make me more happy


Hype this beatmap to make it more visible for nomination and ranking!
