mapped by Volta
This beatmap was ranked on 13 June 2020!
nominated by Roger and kanpakyin
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00:45:272 (2) - current one works fine but alternatively this can also be moved to 00:45:431 - if you want to focus on the drum kick


i want to avoid red tick for kantan when possible and i think current pattern is more stable since it create exact 3/1 break

Marked as resolved by Volta

00:58:923 (8) - to be honest this note is pretty out of focus to me, like...I am not sure what it is following. Ideally this can be snapped to 00:59:241 - so that it can match the snare and vocal perfectly.


ideally the vocal is at 00:59:241 - but it would create weird 3/1 gap. And since the drum is constant throughout this part, i think putting the note at 00:58:923 - will make simpler and stabler rhythm to follow for beginner.

Marked as resolved by Volta

I agree with kanpakyin, since your focus is mostly on snare and vocal on kiai currently I can't really feel what is being followed here. You can try make the structure coherent with similar part on second kiai which does good in my opinion.

Reopened by Roger

i make a different structure because some instrumen/percussion is also different. Take 01:00:825 (12,13,14,15) - and 01:10:984 (13,14,15,16) - for example where the drumplay is different. There is also 00:57:016 - where the kiai started with D and 01:07:174 - where i there's no note when kiai stopped a bit. Considering that the two sections has slightly different arrangement, making a pattern variation is reasonable there.

Marked as resolved by Volta

01:24:635 - you may consider shorten the spinner to 01:24:317 for giving some breath to the audience (no 3/1 break has been provided before the spinner as well) similar as you did on 00:13:206.



Marked as resolved by Volta