Extreme case of overmapping and undermapping here right after each other 01:26:598 - 01:30:114
01:26:598 (1,2,1,2,3) - 01:27:770 (1,2,3) - there are no 1/8 or 1/4 sounds here at all, it is all 1/6
01:28:239 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1) - there is no reason for 1/3 jumps here, this section continues with the piano 1/6 sound and is completely misrepresented by not being 1/6 sliders or a stream in this situation, this is just not a sound that can be represented with such low density at all
I believe you should use similar rhythm ideas as the Buhei's diff as the rhythm is followed nicely there
agree with 1/8 vs 1/6 part, leaving it opened so i can remap
as for the 2nd part, its not low density at all, its very high density in fact because of the spacing and angles, 1/3 rhythm is fully valid here