mapped by Side
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This beatmap wasn't updated since 24 November 2023 so it was graveyarded...
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Extreme case of overmapping and undermapping here right after each other 01:26:598 - 01:30:114

01:26:598 (1,2,1,2,3) - 01:27:770 (1,2,3) - there are no 1/8 or 1/4 sounds here at all, it is all 1/6

01:28:239 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1) - there is no reason for 1/3 jumps here, this section continues with the piano 1/6 sound and is completely misrepresented by not being 1/6 sliders or a stream in this situation, this is just not a sound that can be represented with such low density at all

I believe you should use similar rhythm ideas as the Buhei's diff as the rhythm is followed nicely there


agree with 1/8 vs 1/6 part, leaving it opened so i can remap

as for the 2nd part, its not low density at all, its very high density in fact because of the spacing and angles, 1/3 rhythm is fully valid here



Marked as resolved by Minorsonek

Missing uninherited lines from 01:45:114 to end of map, needs to be fixed and ending will have to be remapped due to it



Marked as resolved by Minorsonek

gd owner on site please


It's on sight. Added

Marked as resolved by Side