The HP for all diffs are 6. Consider changing them to make them more smooth. Maybe something like:
Kantan : 7
Futsuu : 6
Muzukashii : 5
Oni : 4.5
Inner Oni : 4
What I think is
Oni = 5.5
Inner Oni = 5
If Muzukashii is HP6, 5.5 feel like to good considering the difference in the number of notes and difficulty with Oni.
Also, OD5 and below are basically applied to musical scores that are difficult to pass, but these are not classified on that, so we recommend changing them
Delete every single red line you added except the first uninherited line (the first red line of the map). The metronome resets you added on every diff when a high pitched doublet wub appeared are completely unnecessary and adding them might cause issues with the barlines as well. The timing and barlines flow perfectly with just the first red line
Offset is wrong on ZinerX's diffs. After checking the offset, I consider 195 the best option, so Luqua might also change the offset of the gd's to be consistent with all the set.