Personally, the problem is not 'inconsistency', instead, it is 'too consistent'. (I might have gotten it wrong, but I still think something is not ok enough here)
kdd kkd kkd sound a little bit weird, as kkd repeated immediately.
how about making it kdd kkd kdk (00:11:193 (21,22) Ctrl +G) or kdd kkd kkk (00:11:489 to k)?
00:21:554 - the note here and after this is somehow confusing on what it is emphasizing, I noticed that you mostly follow drums but sometimes you follow vocals. I recommend to make emphasis based on one of them, so there are two options.
As the pitch of both timestamps are different, being it drums or vocals, having different hitsound would be more appropriate.
00:22:541 - how about highlight the clap sound on this part? You covered the clap sounds on 00:24:515, so it could be more consistent on what you are following and there are no vocals to both timestamps that make the clap sounds outstanding imo. I recommend you to rearrange the pattern to emphasis the clap better.
Personally, I would suggest number 1 as it gives better flow while playing and the impact of emphasis feels stronger.
Hmm, I would agree on second timestamp but not the first one.
00:48:989 - the pattern starting here until 00:50:370 seems a bit confusing on what they are following. At first, it seems like following drums but suddenly following the synth and then the vocals, so it feels just like random hitsound placement because you don't really focus on each sound. I would recommend rearrange the pattern here to fit the music better. The pattern could be:
I would suggest the first option as the structure feels more consistent to the other parts and be more intuitive to hitsounding.
00:54:121 (202,203) - consider swapping these two notes to show drum's pitch properly? Although there is synth sound that occurs here, you may instead make them same hitsound to separate it with the other instrument and not based on its pitch.