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My grind is not over yet
I will get the SS
i did it https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/18448588/fabc (i don't care it's not pb, i'm so FCKING HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
this truly is one of the maps of all time
Congratulations CrewK for winning SVSE, SVSE2, SVSE3, SVSE4, and every iteration of SVSE possible!
inteliser get shat on
probably in my top 10 osu maps ever and I only play standard
how to play sv?
memorize and listen to the song
read better
Just play the map over and over again
i want to get A rank but im hardstuck B :(edit: i got A :)edit june: S RANK YESSSS
congrats CrewK for getting double S
Intel's MA is so ahead like wtf? almost half of crewk's?
Intel god
wtf intel
honestly about time
haha brr
finally, A rank after 7 tries...
lmao top 4
Without You, This Map Would've Never Been Loved! Thank You. You Did It
this map will loved :v
haha sv go brrr