[4K] drago vs. mint's apeironmapped by Feraligatr and -mint-
ArcheCamelliaFeatured Artist
mapped by -mint-
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a new experience, a new life

collab with K a m u y
osu!mania 4K World Cup 2019
semifinals tiebreaker

Camellia - Racemization (the harder one)

About (please read)
This map is largely unchanged from the oldest version, which was mapped in the night of October 5, 2019, after Drago and I realized, within merely a day before the semifinals showcase for the osu!mania 4-key World Cup 2019, that we were lacking a tiebreaker pick. We began proposing song choices -- within minutes, Drago had found Arche, and said something along the lines of, "Well, it's 200BPM, and it sounds cool, why don't we use this?"

We started drafting ideas immediately. We weren't confident that the map was going to be any good, just that it would get the job done. We sent the main file back and forth for hours, talking about what we'd do differently in each other's parts to make the file more cohesive. But by the time Drago had finished his chorus section (the main LN inverse part) and had gone to sleep, I ended up falling asleep at my desk while working on the final section -- it was getting very late.

I woke up to a number of Discord pings asking me where the final .osz file was, and after I had rushed to place notes in the final section, it was finally over. I uploaded the map, and waited for the showcase. I don't think either of us expected the reception that we received. We were both relatively new and inexperienced to the mappicking scene let alone custom mapping a semis tiebreaker for MWC. I distinctly remember Halogen- giving the chart praise on the Twitch chat during the showcase, and I felt insanely relieved: relieved mostly to have accomplished this feat just in time for the showcase, but also because of how well-received the tiebreaker was.

Lastly, I just wanted to say that Japan vs. France was one of the most exciting MWC matches I've ever seen. I linked a video of it below and I highly recommend that you watch it if you haven't already.

Beginning to 01:27:793 - -mint-
01:27:793 to 02:06:193 - Kamuy
02:06:193 to 02:15:793 - -mint-
02:15:793 to 02:34:993 - Kamuy
02:34:993 to 03:39:793 - -mint-
03:39:793 to 04:16:993 - Kamuy
04:16:993 to ending - -mint-

Timing from featured artist page
SVs by -mint-

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