Metadata :
Artist : 七森中☆ごらく部
Romanised Artist : Nanamori-chu * Goraku-bu
Title : ハッピータイムは終わらない
Romanised Title : Happy Time wa Owaranai
Source : ゆるゆり
Suggested Tags : Xahlt RVMathew NeiroYT -Mercury- ioexception deadcode ceo_of_osu ceo YuruYuri 三上枝織 大坪由佳 津田美波 大久保瑠美 Mikami Shiori Otsubo Yuka Tsuda Minami Okubo Rumi 赤座あかり Akaza Akari 歳納京子 Toshino Kyoko 船見結衣 Funami Yui 吉川ちなつ Yoshikawa Chinatsu YRYR Yuru Yuri
References :
02:07:791 (1,2,3,4,5) - please put finish on the 1 and keep what i had originally. this makes it sound like there's no hitsounds on the last few notes...
HP suggestion
The HP stats seemed inbalanced so I'm just rectifying this.
Xahlt's Normal: Lowering the hp to 3 for the spread would be healthy. 4.5 is just .1 point off of Neiro's difficulty.
Mathew's Hard: Changing this to 4.5 would be nice.
Insane & Neiro's Another: Should respectively be 5.
If you're to make any other changes to the higher diffs I'd say to make Mercury's Extra change to 6 instead of 5.