- artist - title
metadata is somewhere here since yt is the only true metadata source
Cuts should not be shorter than 1:30. These often cause unsatisfying play experiences and are generally seen as disrespectful to the artists. This does not apply to official cuts or recreations of official cuts.
У тебя мп3 криво обрезано, в конце звук очень грубо обрывается. У тебя два варианта: обрезать нормально, как в спид ап ранкед версии, или обрезать и зафейдить конец. Все делается через аудасити, наверное, ты в курсе.
Combo colour 1 is very dark, hard to see for players with background dim.
Combo colour 4 is very bright, and is uncomfortable to look at during kiai
Combo colour 2 and 3 are similar, try and increase contrast between them.
drum-hitfinish2.wav and drum-hitclap2.wav have delay >5ms (fixed samples: )
Better quality version of background:
Please credit @yr_boubou for bg :D