Metamod right here:
Artist: ✔
Title: ✔
Source: ✔
Tags: ❌
Tag suggestions: Instrumental Speedcore FAMoss Archaic84 _underjoy Theorical Alche-Mi Psycho Filth Records SOLIDBOX RECORDS vol9 -Vivid Variant-
*Alche-Mi can is optionally as you they contributed to the Background.
Audio mod right there:
Your current mp3 is 320kbit. Which is great! But.. not so great for osu!
osu! allows only an average of 192kbit as maximum according to the Ranking Criteria.
I have converted your mp3 to a 192kbit one using Audacity. It should now be same as your previous one, just going confirm with the Ranking Criteria. You can get it here:
Helping after seeing: #3446990 #3446989
Audio mod, you should use this audio file as your file is 320kbps with quality of 128kbps and also bloated
You "technically" don't have to change your offset with this audio
but I would still recommend to move it to 1653 instead of current setup (as it's earlier)
You might experience 1ms unsnap but probably is fine to resnap, though the choice is yours I guess
I could be wrong and it could be because I am not used to this kind of music.. but isn't the offset a bit off?
I feel like 14465 or 14463 is closer to the right offset.
At least it feels like a lot of notes do not match the sound so well right now.
You should get this re-confirmed again by various people to see if they also think it's off or if it's good like this!