00:43:921 (6) - the spacing here is really large and weird flow wise, i think you could probs make the movement a bit nicer here by stacking 6 on top of 00:44:088 (1) -
01:03:588 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - considering the drums are like building up intensity wouldnt it make more sense to start with small spacing and then increase it?
01:08:088 (3,4,5,6,7) - 01:13:421 (3,4,5,6,7) - ect, streams like this in the difficulty actually could be improved a bit with a bit of hitsounding, adding whistles in spots like 01:08:171 - 01:08:338 - ect will sound a lot cleaner
01:21:088 (1,2,1,2) - this pause in the mapping so suddently seems really out of place considering it's the kiai, i think making 01:21:254 - into a repeat wouldn't be a bad idea https://puu.sh/FZxlM/336b98af11.png
01:27:421 (2,3) - could make this more consistent so the emphasis doesnt feel all over the place like https://i.imgur.com/v8hzjr1.jpeg
01:38:088 (1,2) - i would move this over a bit so it looks a bit more like 1/4th, since to me the gap inbetween the notes is a bit misleading for reading to tell that its the same rhythm https://puu.sh/FZxr1/2467a941f6.png
its similar to 01:27:421 (2,3,1) - but more spaced. This whole section (01:36:921 (1) - til 01:38:588 (1) - ) is quite high spacing. I cleaned it up so it looks,plays smoother.
01:38:171 (2,3) - why is this spaced so much for 1/4 its same strength as last ones so its weird, would make same as last 2
01:46:588 (1,2,1,2,1,1,2,3,4,1,2,3) - imo i'm not really a fan of how undermapped this ending is considering it's the climax of the chorus, i think you could add a few jumps here so it feels a bit more like an ending climax would be a nice idea