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ivaxa becoming mrekk v2
ivaxa goat
The smartest scorev1 leaderboard
oh wow.
Finally mrekk played this with flahlight, I waited for 1.5 years
and a 6 digit player submit 4 mods with no NF cheats on leaderboard
I watched his top play and it looks very sus, there are instant aim and 50 UR, he is a cheater 99.99%
He is sus, he has only 4 playcount on this map and 4 mod 500pp score...
bro the ending and kiai isnt even hard the hardest part of this map is the stupid fucking down syndrome jumps in the middle of the map
best pokemon fanmade song by a mile
ivaxa 3 mod 99%?
Fun and Relaxing Map
reforms worst map by far
Rememeber when this map used to have a pp record with +1100pp? Yeah same
That's the way it is
What was the score?
YOO i got the first DT SS on reforms
first dt only ss yeah
Yessir sadly i can't read hidden very well, except for low ar
Dude, I wanted to map this for ranked and then someone already got it ranked, the heck? LMFAO!
mrekk has lost first place on Bliitzit - Team Magma & Aqua Leader Battle Theme (Unofficial) [Catastrophe] (osu!)
this map is as hard as padoru, but i keep either choking acc or some dumb jump
rip Mister Green
Insane 5 digit FCs top diff with HRDTFL snipping mrekk!!
Background source ? It looks so cool
You can just look into the beatmap folder and there it is
thank you
if mrekk learns fl, then his reign as number 1 will never end
Happy 2 year Team Magma 3 mod SS anniversary!!! ☺️☺️☺️🥳🎉
iryl fc
skill issue
mr ekk
there's 3 mod ss on last diffwhere is the 3 mod ss on second diff?
it's od 11.11 (maximum od with dt), so it's extremely hard to ss in Insane to top diff (it's just mrekk)
it's too much pp
Pokemon music goes hard
gnahus rip 1k :(
Top diff HDDT fc doable
thx for 139 pp
this map is made for 1 missing
choked first 300 😭
team moler
very mol
youe everywhere loool
theres no way mrekk can be sniped with that score
fgsky real
unless someone fcs it with hddthrfl xd
or hdhrfl SS with better spinner score which is actually viable
01111001 01101111 01110101 01110010 00100000 01101101 01101111 01101101 00100111 01110011 00100000 01100001 00100000 01101000 01101111 01100101
your mom's a hoe
holy shit od11.11 ss
actually crazy
internet explorer
that's insane
that's extra
bro we have a cheater
I think it's chxitex- (already banned)
bro dropped 800-1kpp within a hour holy shit
chxitex-? Ryuk got sniped too