Why's the bpm 45 at the start? i feel like 180 would be fine, 90 bpm also could be better since its closer to the actuall bpm
Oh yea, when I first started this beatmap I started working on Hard first, which contains slow sliders in the beginning. Initially I didn't know how to put green lines along with red lines, so I resorted to a slow BPM instead.
TL;DR I did not know the weird properties of green lines and red lines back then. I'll go fix them now :D
i love the "cold" difficulty, the hitsounds goes good with the song, i hope this gets ranked ^^
The resolution of this background image is too high. It needs to be 1366x768 or less to be ranked (unless there is a legitimate reason behind it :p)
All in all, I love this beatmap and this is one of the Toby Fox pieces I haven't found on osu! So it'll make a nice addition to my UNDERTALE collection. I really do hope this gets ranked! (Sorry for the spam as well :c)