thx for the pp <3
WTF I just FC EXHAUST diff, I can't believe with my eyes, oh and yes thanks for making this beatmap, love it
WTF I just sightread a top play
hyper 22000pp pog
omw to the +4 pp
wtf happy b-brakcore
Sound Voltex mappers are poggers
I thought the map will *10
oh noo here we go againn
breakcore with no breakcore tag :(
qualified pog
Rain is now back to *4
Light overdose next? *4?
Highly unlikely because it's been confirmed by the mapper that he won't add another diff between rain and overdose and thus why the overdose diff has been nerfed.
No ascendance diff?
yep :((
Sad he also dropped out of -Joakh zen zen zense map too.